New Local Liberty Groups - Oaks, PA & Memphis, TN + Where to Find Groups in Your Area
Did you know the Art of Liberty Foundation Promotes Local Liberty Groups & Liberty Events?
Did you know the Art of Liberty Foundation has a listing of local liberty groups on our website at: We are constantly updating the list with new groups as we find out about them. Want to see your group listed? Please e-mail me at Etienne(YOU KNOW)
Inquire & Inspire - Oaks, PA - Third Thursday of Each Month
Inquire & Inspire welcomes one and all to our monthly documentary movie nights! We are a group of voluntaryists - strong proponents of individual sovereignty, freedom of speech, and morality. We hope to connect with and inspire our community to inquire about ourselves and the world we live in.
Through knowledge, we envision and seek to create a more free world for all.
Join us on the third Thursday of every month as we show educational documentaries of all kinds to learn about history, health, food, economics, psychology, morality, and more! Please just be sure to research the film being shown ahead of time to determine if it is appropriate for younger guests who may attend with you. Following our film screenings, we have an open forum discussion to share the thoughts and questions that the film brought up for you.
We are also excited to announce that we have just moved to a new location at the Oaks Center Cinema in Oaks, Pennsylvania, where we get to show our documentaries in a professional 200-seat movie theater. These documentary movie screenings are open to the public and free for all to attend, but please note that to help cover the costs for renting a movie screen, we do greatly appreciate an optional $5 donation per person.
Come with your suggestions for future documentary screenings, and we hope to see you there!
Our next event is on: Thursday, February 20th, 2025 – Doors open at 7pm
Check out our Odysee channel to watch all of the films we have shown thus far at our documentary movie nights.
Contact: Jeff Hippauf at
Liberty on the Rocks - Memphis - Third Thursday of Each Month (Starting on March 20th!)
Etienne de la Boetie2 is taking over Liberty on the Rocks - Memphis! Scheduling our 2nd meet-up on Thursday evening, March 20th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm at City Silo Table & Pantry - 580 S. Mendenhall Rd. Suite 104B, Memphis, TN Email: Etienne (YOUKNOW)
Liberty Groups Directory
Arizona: Sedona Freedom Movement, Sedona Conscious Collective, Free Your Mind AZ (Phoenix), The Independent Network (The IN Group) – Prescott California: Complete Liberty(San Diego), Santa Cruz Voluntaryists, Bay Area Voluntaryists , The Mises Circle Orange County (Newport Beach) Colorado: We Are Change(Denver),Liberty on the Rocks (Denver), Kansas: Libertarian Free Thinkers of Kansas City, Michigan: The Michigan Peace and Liberty Coalition(Detroit), New Hampshire: Free State Project, Free State Project Calendar of NH Liberty Events (statewide), The Praxeum (Liberty Center in Dover/Portsmouth, NH), The Wearehouse (Liberty Center in Weare, NH), The Quill (Liberty Center in Manchester, NH) The Shell (Liberty center in Rollinsford, NH), Massachusetts: Boston Liberty Hang Out, New York Anarcho-Capitalist Meet up, Pennsylvania: Oaks, PA – Inquire & Inspire Tennessee: Liberty on the Rocks – Memphis Texas: Voluntaryists of Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston Free Thinkers, Voluntaryists of Austin, Utah: Bountiful Voluntaryist Meet Up, Virginia – Liberate Richmond, Washington State: Seattle Ancaps Voluntarists Libertarians, Tacoma Liberty on the Rocks.
Europe: London Anarchy Meetup, Libertarian Meetups – Göteborg, Sweden, Liberstad – Free City in Norway,
Asia: VOLUNTARYISM! Living Peacefully and Morally! ( Pattaya, Thailand)
Everywhere: Freedom Cell Network, Caledonia…
Have a Liberty event, group or meet-up that you would like featured in our calendar? Drop us an e-mail to: Events(YOU KNOW)
Advance Liberty! – Host an Art of Liberty Foundation Pop-Up Guerrilla Bookstore at a Liberty Event or Meet Up and Share in the Profits!
Go paid at the $5 a month level, and we will send you both the PDF and e-Pub versions of “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and a coupon code for 10% off anything in the
Go paid at the $50 a year level, and we will send you a free paperback edition of Etienne’s book “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! OR a 64GB Liberator flash drive if you live in the US. If you are international, we will give you a $10 credit towards shipping if you agree to pay the remainder.
Support us at the $250 Founding Member Level and get a signed high-resolution hardcover of “Government” + Liberator flash drive + Larken Rose’s The Most Dangerous Superstition + Art of Liberty Foundation Stickers delivered anywhere in the world. Our only option for signed copies besides catching Etienne @ an event.