And now the UK is saying they will not prosecute any woman who aborts her baby after 27 weeks or some such criminal number. All kinds of death switches are being turned on and have been for some time. No pregnant woman should ever trust the word of one doctor if they tell her that her pregnancy is no longer viable, or that the heartbeat has stopped as far as I am concerned. I know of a recent incident where two different doctors said totally different things to the same newly pregnant woman. During delivery, the U.S. cuts the umbilical cord too early. American College of Nurse Mid-Wives recommends waiting a whole 30 to 60 seconds. Guess who funds them? USAID. There should be a waiting period to see how the baby is transitioning and a wait of at least some minutes is necessary, otherwise the child can have serious health issues for the lungs and brain, etc. I trust nothing they say on face value as these doctors have been forced into a medical system so much more ugly than they'll ever want to see.
And now the UK is saying they will not prosecute any woman who aborts her baby after 27 weeks or some such criminal number. All kinds of death switches are being turned on and have been for some time. No pregnant woman should ever trust the word of one doctor if they tell her that her pregnancy is no longer viable, or that the heartbeat has stopped as far as I am concerned. I know of a recent incident where two different doctors said totally different things to the same newly pregnant woman. During delivery, the U.S. cuts the umbilical cord too early. American College of Nurse Mid-Wives recommends waiting a whole 30 to 60 seconds. Guess who funds them? USAID. There should be a waiting period to see how the baby is transitioning and a wait of at least some minutes is necessary, otherwise the child can have serious health issues for the lungs and brain, etc. I trust nothing they say on face value as these doctors have been forced into a medical system so much more ugly than they'll ever want to see.