Brilliant article that must be read in it's entirety. Initially, when this conflict began, it was easy to be convinced of Russia bad, Ukraine good - that was the narrative heavily pushed by virtually all controlled media outlets (and many independents as well). As people became more educated on the history of the region, recent and distant, many, including myself, shifted to blaming NATO expansion and the neocon maniac's perpetual desire for power then drifting into the pro-Putin camp. Articles like this, and some others I've read by independent journalists, have snapped me out of my fog and woken me up to the fact that there is no good side nor bad side. Not unlike the uni-party concept in the US, this war, along with the Israeli/Hamas conflict, Convid, The Climate Scam, ESG, DEI, Etc. always lead one back to the same anti-human agenda of the puppet masters - our overlords who own everything and have no national identity. The only enemy humanity faces are the technocratic elite power brokers! The homeless oligarchs (they have many houses but no HOME). I pray the paradigm shift I've experienced over that past 5 years, which continues to evolve, hits at least 10% of the worlds so-to-be serfs before it's too late to stop them. They have shared their plan via Agenda 2030 so we know what's coming if we let them keep rolling. It's time to unite!

Again, bravo on the article - I for one will share the hell out of it!

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Thanks! I am the syndicator but glad you recognize the value! Hope you can join us in Sedona! Sedona.ArtOfLiberty.org

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