The Boring Company has already built wonderful automated tunnels underneath, so the gold will be there when you show up. But somebody will protest anyway, because illusion is so important, and you don't really need to see gold that isn't there.

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4580 metric tons of Au are just 237.3 m3.

I personally would not wonder, in the doubtful case that they open the vaults, to find:

- Shutterstock- or Getty-images showing 20kg bullion and

- memes with middle-fingers ridiculing the US-government and taxpayers ... 🤣🤣🤣

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This system of power hierarchy just doesn't work. It is kinda ridiculous too to have "gold reserves". Why? Why stash something? It's utter madness but because it's "always been done like that", it is thought that it has to keep going. There is no security in doing things this way. All the paperwork needs to be publicly available and easily accessed. That is the antidote because sociopaths don't like to do things in the light.

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