NON ELECTED & UNDEMOCRATIC Klaus Schwab preaches VIOLENCE to his cult of 1600 GLOBALISTS - as "We The People" have finally come to our senses - realizing that a BRUTAL MARXIST TYRANNY is awaiting us, if we do not disconnect from this INSANITY of some of our elected & paid for leaders!.


Nowhere do "We The People" go along with this INSANITY of WAR, LYING & DECEIVING - and the DEATH-VAXX has opened up the eyes of many - so the GLOBALISTS rightfully are in mounting panic everywhere.


THAT is what real PSYCHOPATHS are: FAKE-leaders in well hidden panic from "We The People". The CAMOUFLAGE of LIES & DECEPTION is coming of - so now one can feel & see the panic - but the panic in those PSYCHOPATHS has always been there, carefully hidden from the public eye!


So LIGHT is coming into this dark ancient secret of our leaders and their criminal methods of installing like minded PSYCHOPATHS all over the globe.


We are winning - and that sets them into fire - so we stay cool and get on with gathering EVIDENCE on their crimes against humanity.

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Ya that jaba the nut can go fxxx himself. The powers that were think they will survive whatever cataclysm they think is coming. Maybe there is a "Phoenix event" as Archaix puts it and that's why they're building all the FEMA camps... for the survivors? Maybe they're trying to escape karma in the material realm we're in? Such a goofy, barbaric thought process. I love your quote "shiny badges don't grant special privileges."

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