I’m a physician. I’ve seen bruising around the eyes after Botox injections, collagen injections and plastic surgery but it’s ALWAYS bilateral bruising. This theory doesn't make sense.

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Thank you for the value add! I think someone is obviously delivering a warning to these puppets... perhaps tied to their private messaging activity revealed through actively monitoring influencers... Someone once told me they killed John Lennon because he could put a million people into the street...

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Dont thank her. She's coming on here to spread lies and mislead people from the truth. She is a doc that works for 'them'. Last thing you need to be doing is thanking her and defending your own post. You should be blocking her.

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I was thinking the same thing. If it were just botox or plastic surgery bruising it would be both eyes. Why would all these celebs only be getting one baggy eye lifted? There's more to this than meets the eye (pun intended).

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Hey doc, what do you say to a woman that has TWO black eyes?

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The left eye is where the parasite that controls them enters the body.

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I thought they were the parasites.:-)

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Some say it's where they put Vril and some say it's where they do the Vampire stuff. Whatever it is they creepy. I don't get the celebrity worship at all. Grown adults spending thousands to try and see Taylor Swift or one of them. A lot of their concerts are on ley lines.

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🎯💯👏 Best comment in here. There's a few of us awake here.

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Seems if it’s just some cosmetic surgery procedure both eyes would be black. Not just the one.

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Not necessarily. You can get a bruise just in one area from Botox or fillers.

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Consistently only the left eye for everyone?

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Not likely

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You find a logical reason, but without one you are left to simply speculate. 🤔

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Well if somebody punched them, it’s probably a right hander.

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Thanks for the info - I had no idea that could happen. It’s kinda weird if the Pope had Botox! 😂

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It's where the tentacle of Cthulhu attaches and removes the soul...

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I’m not buying the cosmetic surgery theory. Everyone had the same procedure with all having a black eye on the left? Prince Phillip? I doubt it. Illogical.

I’m more inclined to believe the illuminati story.

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Illuminati wannabes

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The mention of Putin, in a picture from 2010, which doesn't even really demonstrate a characteristic black eye, indicates that either the author here doesnt know what they are talking about, or that they are engaging in anti Russian propaganda. The "celebrity black eye" is attributed by doctors as a symptom of the intaking of adrenochrome. Thats something Putin would not be caught dead doing. Keep trying.

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This is what I believe as well. And being very reluctant to mention that, we can consider, I wouldn’t know but have read that sodomy causes black eyes. That would however probably involve both eyes being black. Regardless, these people are demons. Maybe some have bought into adrenochrome coming from something less horrific, but it’s doubtful. Whatever the case may be, they’ve sold their souls to satan.

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Putin is Chabad wake up, so is Zelenskyy!

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The black eye on the left reminds me of where the eye of the Antechrist (masih ad-Dajjal in arabic language) is situated.

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I thought they may have just had recent IOLs (intraoccular lens implant) either for corrective refraction surgery or cataracts.

they are all in the right age group.

i work in ophthalmology/optometry. we see this often

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I just figured they diddled the wrong kids.

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I have worked in hospitals with all kinds of people and different positions. I have a very large group of friends as I was a musician and an actor as well. Never have seen any of them with one black eye. The only black eye was a pair of black eyes known as "Raccoon Eyes", s/p a basilar skull fracture.

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I’m afraid if John McCain was “recently seen” he’d look a lot worse than that photo. This is silly TMZ bullshit.

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The black eyes come from the vril entering the brain through the corner of the eye it’s the only way they go into the brain there used to be a video of someone showing how it goes in but the evil controllers keep taking it down but it is a form of demonic entity possessing the victim and taking them to hell over time they are not in control of themselves anymore the vril are all connected by spiritual power that turns evil once inside the brain

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I seen many videos of how the vril enters the body and it’s through the eyes that it goes in straight to the brain attaches itself to the main nerve and then they are controlled by it and frequency truth

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I’d not doubt this. We know possession is most definitely increasing worldwide. Try Bitchute or Rumble for the video you’re looking for. They are usually able to keep those going. 🙏🏻

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They meet up in a ritual, and a Lizard King shows up and pimp slaps them one good time right in the eye to show them who’s boss.

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i suggest it should be something inserted behind the eye and the operation leaves that bruising. probably it’s only done for higher-ups so they show it publicly to ensure respect.

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