Aug 7Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

Cohen, like all the other celebrities sold his soul. I know someone who was raped by him as a teenager and he kept her as a sex slave. And he did the same to another celebrity which eveyrone would know the name of. I'm not proving it and don't want to but suffice to say practically every celeberity has some sexual derangement and have done atrocious things and of course, they are part of the rigging. The world's a stage, that statement couldn't be truer. However what we see on the big stage is but a projection of what we do to each other down here in everyday land. We are usually terrible towards each other and all that distorted frequency plays out in a projection like the allegory of the cave. "As below, so above". We need to know this to get the sequence right. Of course they inverted that too.

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You know as I read this it came to me; "silly woman, it's not about Zionism at all, it's still all about the oil".

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Good essay and answering the comment below as well - songwriters are quite often less than admirable characters - who often do not understand the songs they sing at all.

Like all artists they serve as conduits and not role models.

The system uses them up and spits them out - as it does us all.

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