First, this comes about 15 years too late. Whatever.

Second, the main problem that I see with Haidt's general strategies is that he believes that there are such things as "social problems" and that there is an institutional solution for them, waiting to be discovered.

I think there are only personal problems, society aggravates them, and institutions perpetuate them.

In this particular case: throw books at adolescents. Schopenhauer is quite entertaining. He is almost a familiar demon.

And tell adolescents to write their own motherfucking fictions instead of consuming the rancid bullshit everywhere.

Bribe them if necessary.

Young people need to create their own praxeological sphere. Do your own things. Craft your own toys. Make your own drugs. Destroy big pharma and the insurance companies and subjugate fascism and the remnants of communism. These are the basic tasks of young people today.

A more practical solution: privatize the internet. Make a private version of TCP/IP, only for children. The applications built on top of this private basic protocol can only operate in its space, and the other applications, such as regular http and all that depends on it, can go screw themselves.

Probably, this private club already exists. Probably only a few privileged people have access to it. I'm usually against censorship, but I'm willing to do an exception if one generation can be saved from internet encyclopedias and espionage in general, it might be worth it.

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I agree. I had a free range childhood because little TV no internet no cell phones. I am a teacher. These kids don't know how to play. They cannot make up games on the spot....it's so sad

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Thank you

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