Israel is not just a cancer. It is a Turbo Cancer created by poisons such as the U.S., Britain, etc.

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As Shasta Betty below states , THIS CANCER IS GLOBAL and a DEATH CULT behind the TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA, Im very aware of how the business partners of BLACK NOBILITY, ROMAN CATHOLIC EMPIRE CHURCH , KHAZAR MAFIA, ect. ect all work together to point fingers at each other , to shift blame , and diffuse proper actions against them all

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My question is: what is the deal with all those countries around Israel? The fight with Israel and knowing that eventually Israel will come for them? Or they hope Israel will stop once Palestine is done?

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A lot of their "governments" are bought off or threatened with assassination/death

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Not just "around" them. I suspect, given their previous acts (JFK, 9/11, etc., etc.) they got away with they will eventually come for the U.S. itself since it owns most of the Congress/Senate

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What do you mean eventually it already happened 5.3 billion people GLOBALLY TOOK THE DEATH SHOTS next round is on the way A. BOURLA, CEO OF PFIZER has bragged openly at DAVOS that their intention was 50% population reduction and believes they have met that goal , it just takes awhile .

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The deal is they have the might of AMERICAN MILITARY breathing down their backs and pointing destruction at them all . PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY was to destabilize and or take over 15 oil rich countries to weaken entire region then go after IRAN which is still the plan.

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