Eliminating many voices from the crowd exclaiming their displeasure with tyranny makes those remaining that much more clear and audible.

AI or whatever, our silence is what will doom us, not our voices.

Focus on the issues, and broadcast the truth by any means possible. This is a psy-op designed to intimidate. If you are taking the bait and sitting down instead of standing up you have surrendered.

Much like the age-old adage regarding our Second, "When you feel it is the time to bury your weapons, that is exactly the time you need to be unearthing your weapons".

Make no mistake, our hardest-hitting weapon is TRUTH and those who refuse to cower are the combatants the commies fear most. This coup is dependent on misinformation, we have no choice but to counter that with out brave voices if we expect to be victorious in any way.


Onward, Christian soldiers!

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I am glad I am not the only one scared out of my wits by how rapidly it was integrated and how it is being used now....never mind the future. Scared out of my wits.

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Don't worry... We win in the end! Can'tstop the signal in the information age!

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I'm there with ya Duchess, I'm there with ya.

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