Oct 3·edited Oct 3

RE: The truth about the Black Death/Bubonic Plague/Black Plague:

Feb. 17, 2023

Jewish pediatrician, Dr. Lawrence Pavelsky, MD, states that The Black Death was caused by Jews, who were caught poisoning the wells & springs & how it relates to what's occurring today.




It’s simple: “we found the poisons in the local wells and springs & also in their baggage—they confessed...”

The Black Death, Excerpt from the "Manchester Medieval Source Series

narrated by Gott Mit Uns



Concordia Theological Seminary


"In 1161, in Bohemia, a mass execution occurred when 86 Jews were burned as accomplices in an alleged plot of Jewish physicians to poison the populace. Bernardin of Siena is reported to have said that a Jewish physician of Avignon had confessed to him the murder of thousands of Christians by poisoning."

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“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” - Carl Sagan I'd expect more evidence for such an extraordinary claim than a couple of unsourced videos and a single document where many of the footnotes do not lead to anywhere...

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There’s plenty of evidence if you look. The bubonic plague was not contagious.

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Hence the rapid push for AI and automation. Depopulation has been the elites plan for over a century. They look at it as a good thing. The problem is that’s it’s the high IQ and gifted humans that aren’t reproducing. But I think that’s the plan of the elite class as well - a smaller dumbed down population is easy to manipulate. They will ensure they are extremely comfortable while the rest beg them for scraps.

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