Jun 13Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

I read somewhere in the past year that GC is now on The Council for Foreign Relations (?) Maybe this Substack author can confirm..... I cannot find the article to link it, but in essence this is the global censorship that the WEF and UN were speaking about earlier this year I believe. Evil & tyrannical parasites at the top trying their best to control the narrative to force feed us all.

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Thank you for this. I will have a read. :)

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Who the fuck does this aging, mediocre actor think he is?!

Fuck off, George Clooney.

You have zero education, zero diplomatic, legal or bureaucratic experience on the world stage.

You and your status and attention-seeking wife are in no position to be advising or coercing ANYONE to do ANYTHING, you globalist TRAITORS‼️

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