A family member works for the company. Years ago she told me she forbid her daughters from taking this. But they went to great colleges (and many trips sponsored by the company. )

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My understanding is that the HPV vaccine lists right on the package insert that 2% of recipients develop new autoimmune disorders.

To me, this is almost as bad as the real but more rare deaths and injuries Merck is hiding and denying.

So, the cost benefit-- 1 in 50 (at least) chance of a lifetime healrh issue vs. a very theoretical chance to reduce you chance of a 1 in 40,000 risk with average age of diagnosis around 58.

Who would take that bet if it was honestly prrsented?

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Most people have never even heard of vaccine inserts or monographs. Since members of the medical "profession" do not offer them proactively, as they clearly should.

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