Company cites "non-pandemic-related morbidity" and "unusual claims adjustments" in explanation of losses from group life insurance business: Stock falling, replaces CEO
Yes. The report of One America having claims paid out of 40% more than previous year and was some crazy 6 sigma event was what first confirmed to me that they were out to get us. I sent an email to the governor of my state just to let him know. As if he did not already know what was up with the jabs. Over time they will massage the data so there will be nothing to see here. Just move on down the line and forget what you saw.
Yes. The report of One America having claims paid out of 40% more than previous year and was some crazy 6 sigma event was what first confirmed to me that they were out to get us. I sent an email to the governor of my state just to let him know. As if he did not already know what was up with the jabs. Over time they will massage the data so there will be nothing to see here. Just move on down the line and forget what you saw.
You just laid out the defense of Luigi-survivak of the corporate shill at the expense of the risk reward of the Hobsons Choice contract!