Gun control activist David Hogg is living high on the hog thanks to the many donors cutting checks to his political action committee (PAC), Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show.
I remember by FB posts his mother worked for CNN and his dad was a retired FBI agent in FL. Also he was hired to push gun control. Seems he was paid very well by the left...And he wasn't a "student" at Parkland School as he claimed. I also read he had an arrest record and he was aged 25 at the time of the arrest, not a teenager..Someone with the tools to investigate this information, should be able verify this. I'd like to know. Also there use to be a side by side picture of him and Joseph Goebbels, and it was shocking to the likeness
My granddaughter and her great grandmother on her dad's side were so identical, it frightened my granddaughter. She was only 13, and my daughter had to explain DNA to her.
The likeness of Hogg & Goebbels was the same, shockingly identical. We do know the Nazis faked their deaths using body doubles, and escaped to South America and America. So, I wonder if there's a DNA connection??
It has been a while since I investigated this and put together the Dropbox folder that we also share on: The Liberator but I don't think his mom worked at CNN BUT there are pictures of him and some of the classmates that were apparently used as Crisis Actors in the event on the set of CNN. If you look at the video WHole Hogg in the Liberator there is a lot of video evidence that they were giving these kids media training for events like this and/or future activism. The whole thing was creepy
I remember reading one of the fawning mainstream reports. He and the rest of that little "high school" army were busy taking on and changing the world and when an adult (or several) asked how to help and they answered "Oh, you can order pizza - but stay our of our way." This is a direct quote or at least close.
I remember by FB posts his mother worked for CNN and his dad was a retired FBI agent in FL. Also he was hired to push gun control. Seems he was paid very well by the left...And he wasn't a "student" at Parkland School as he claimed. I also read he had an arrest record and he was aged 25 at the time of the arrest, not a teenager..Someone with the tools to investigate this information, should be able verify this. I'd like to know. Also there use to be a side by side picture of him and Joseph Goebbels, and it was shocking to the likeness
My granddaughter and her great grandmother on her dad's side were so identical, it frightened my granddaughter. She was only 13, and my daughter had to explain DNA to her.
The likeness of Hogg & Goebbels was the same, shockingly identical. We do know the Nazis faked their deaths using body doubles, and escaped to South America and America. So, I wonder if there's a DNA connection??
It has been a while since I investigated this and put together the Dropbox folder that we also share on: The Liberator but I don't think his mom worked at CNN BUT there are pictures of him and some of the classmates that were apparently used as Crisis Actors in the event on the set of CNN. If you look at the video WHole Hogg in the Liberator there is a lot of video evidence that they were giving these kids media training for events like this and/or future activism. The whole thing was creepy
I remember reading one of the fawning mainstream reports. He and the rest of that little "high school" army were busy taking on and changing the world and when an adult (or several) asked how to help and they answered "Oh, you can order pizza - but stay our of our way." This is a direct quote or at least close.
I remember all this too. Soros backed.