Ah.... so good to hear. I hope humans wake up and de-program from the genocide of each other. My Mom was in Germany and has many stories of her Dad refusing to shoot "the enemy" and many actually helping each other, looking the other way in the trenches, etc. Thank you for sharing this, I can't even look or hear about it, I get so triggered. I have clients tell me their friends in Isreal are scared or clients telling me they have nightmares of Hamas coming in their home (after taking 8 Xanax). This is what the government, elite, Hollywood and their whole BS-Beast System has done to humans. Which is why I always say fxxx the elite.
Ah.... so good to hear. I hope humans wake up and de-program from the genocide of each other. My Mom was in Germany and has many stories of her Dad refusing to shoot "the enemy" and many actually helping each other, looking the other way in the trenches, etc. Thank you for sharing this, I can't even look or hear about it, I get so triggered. I have clients tell me their friends in Isreal are scared or clients telling me they have nightmares of Hamas coming in their home (after taking 8 Xanax). This is what the government, elite, Hollywood and their whole BS-Beast System has done to humans. Which is why I always say fxxx the elite.
Battle fatigue. What waste of human life, and human work to build cities, all dust. Hoping this trend continues. Killing our own kind is so retarded.