I will never trust the media again for as long as they live... Focus on value and accountability.
The government has deceived us in the past (a few non-controversial ones: Watergate, MKUltra, Pentagon Papers, COINTELPRO, Iran Contra Affair, Franklin Child Prostitution Ring, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, Bohemian Grove, HAARP, Project Mockingbird), yet many still wait for the government to verify the alien issue.
I will never trust the media again for as long as they live... Focus on value and accountability.
The government has deceived us in the past (a few non-controversial ones: Watergate, MKUltra, Pentagon Papers, COINTELPRO, Iran Contra Affair, Franklin Child Prostitution Ring, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, Bohemian Grove, HAARP, Project Mockingbird), yet many still wait for the government to verify the alien issue.