Eric Peters on the Idiocy of Glenn Beck Comparing Elon Musk to John Galt – He’s No John Galt
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos Breaks Down Why Crony Capitalism isn’t Capitalism
By eric
Glenn Beck – after reading ad copy urging his listeners to buy Rough Greens and Relief Factor, which constitutes the bulk of his show – said something so spectacularly wrong the other day that I could not let it pass without comment.
He compared Elon Musk with John Galt – the fictional character created by Ayn Rand in her novel Atlas Shrugged, which was about capitalism. Not crony capitalism. More finely, rent-seeking masquerading as capitalism. The leveraging of government force to get rich. The redistribution of – as opposed to the creation of – wealth.
What are carbon credits?
They are a wealth redistribution scheme. Company A produces something of value for which there is a market, established by the fact that people are willing to exchange their money for it. Like a truck with a V8 engine (or a car with a V6 engine). But the government says these things produce more “carbon” than it says is allowable – according to an arbitrary standard it lays down based on assertions that “carbon” is causing the “climate” to “change.”
The government – more finely, the regulatory bureaucracy – says this excess “emitting” of “carbon” must be cancelled out via either the production of vehicles that “emit” no “carbon” at all – at the tailpipe – for which there is no (or very little market) or via the purchase of credits from another producer of such vehicles in lieu of producing them.
Obviously, none of this form of exchange is voluntary.
That is how Tesla – which is Elon Musk’s electric vehicle operation – funded itself, in the manner of a tick feasting on the blood of a dog. The “carbon credit” being a kind of transfer tax imposed by the government but collected by a for-profit corporation. It is how Tesla sucked dry the once-successful Chrysler, Dodge, Ram and Jeep brands that are now rustling shells of their former selves. When you bought a V8 Ram or Charger or Chrysler 300, part of what you paid – assuming you could afford to – went to Tesla and thus to Musk.
What is a carbon tax?
It is a tax designed to economically punish the use of “too much” energy, defined as that which exceeds your “carbon footprint” – which is defined (arbitrarily, once again) as the the amount of “carbon” your existence generates. If you drive too much – or eat too much meat or keep your house too warm or your house is too large – then you have exceeded the allowable size of your “carbon footprint” and are tax-punished accordingly. The government – which collects the tax – is enriched while you are diminished.
Elon Musk is a proponent of taxing “carbon.” Naturally. He believes the “climate” is “changing” and – much more important – his lifestyle will not be diminished because he could lose 90 percent of his wealth and still be richer than 90 percent of us.
He also stands to benefit from such a tax since his “carbon footprint” is considered small because his battery-powered vehicles are considered to have no “footprint” at all – because they do not produce any “carbon” directly. The “carbon” created indirectly by the manufacture and associated activities involved in making tens of thousands of enormous lithium-ion batteries and pumping them full of electricity is not counted toward the size of his “footprint.” But your gas-powered truck’s “emissions” are. And also your steak dinner and the fact that you turned up the thermostat in your house to keep warm.
What is digital money? It is non-physical money over which you have the illusion of control. Put another way, it is a medium of exchange that only works as long as the digital-electronic mechanisms that you have no control over allow. It can, in other words, be used to control what you are allowed to spend – and on what and how much. You have exceeded the allowable size of your carbon footprint this month – but it’s not yet next month? Well, for the remainder of this month, your digital purchasing power will be limited and there is nothing you can do to get around it. You wave your device at the scanner to pay for the groceries on the conveyer belt but the purchase won’t go through.
No steak for you.
Elon Musk is proponent of digital money (DOGE and Bitcoin, specifically). He is also a recipient of great tranches of government money via his Space X operation. It is not funded by this billionaire. It is funded by taxpayers – who are forced to fund it.
John Galt spent the entire novel battling such rent-seeking, cronyism and grift. He did it chiefly by persuading the productive to stop aiding their exploiters and (ultimately) their destroyers by going on strike. He did not urge them to get rich by getting in bed with the government. He had nothing but contempt for the force and fraud that is the essence of government. He believed in the absolute sovereignty of the individual and that personal worth was a function of the creative capacity expressed via productive work the value of which was measured by the free approbation of the market. That honest wealth did not require anyone else’s wealth to create it.
His symbol was the dollar sign and his coin was gold.
No man could be less Galt-like than Elon Musk – down to the humblest street sweeper, who does honest work and earns his money by providing value for value and without the intermediary of coercion.
Steve Jobs was Galt-like. Preston Tucker is another. Musk is a predatory parody of Galt. One that’s as funny as a basket of dead rabbits.
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Excellent! I'll soon post about the REAL Elon. Here's a bit:
Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer
Go green with gasoline!
By 2021, over 5 billion dollars in carbon credits for Tesla. They trippled thanks to Biden but Elon’s 240 million dollars to the Trump campaign made sure they don’t return to the levels of the first Trump administration, which means that Elon got a 24x (2400%) return on investment for his “selfless” donation: 1.5 billion difference per year for 4 years means 6000 million dollars, less his 240 million, 5760 million dollars. Nothing is more profitable than legally leeching the taxpayer.
It’s not only about the taxpayer paying for Elon’s carbon credits, but forcing the combustion cars consumer to subsidize the uneconomic EVs:
“Tesla sucked dry the once-successful Chrysler, Dodge, Ram and Jeep brands that are now rustling shells of their former selves. When you bought a V8 Ram or Charger or Chrysler 300, part of what you paid – assuming you could afford to – went to Tesla and thus to Musk.” 1
All Elon’s operations are like “a tick feasting on the blood of a dog”. Elon’s fortune is built on government stealing from the taxpayer and the consumer.
What is the masonic solution when they can’t rig elections even more without being noticed? Fund the “opposition” campaign through the masonic companies and billionaires (like Elon), and recover the investment through the co-opted government’s pay-off.
Just as Trump’s case proved: no one would overcome the rigged elections without Elon’s government captured gravy. It’s a vicious cycle! Elon’ scheme is not about “agency capture” but “government capture”.
To make things even worse Elon, will keep pushing the Trump administration for a carbon tax on all products and services, thus ruining everyone’s economy and increasing unemployment, just to pay for his dreams of mars and cyborgs.2
A carbon tax is a tax on cheap energy based on carbon emissions. All goods and services are based on energy. Taxing energy means increasing the cost and thus, end price, of every single economic activity.
Taxing energy means taxing everything. The damage to the economy isn’t just the collected tax but the shifting of the supply and demand curves to the left, thus substantially reducing the GDP, and increasing unemployment.
Unbelievably, masons like in the Tax Foundation3, “America's leading voice on tax policy”, manage to brainwash many people about a smart carbon tax if applied “at the base”4, yet hiding that a tax on the energy base is similar to tax in each link of the supply chain, because all links use energy.
In this oversimplified textbook5 sample:
- The tax revenue is (4-2) x 900 = $1800.
- The GDP seems to have grown $600 (900 x 4 = 3600) compared to the previous equilibrium (1000 x 3 = 3000), but this is nominal, a temporary illusion:
- The loss of output (real goods) is 1000-900 = 100 Q = 10% of the total production of the economy.
- If instead of Q (quantity of goods) it was employed people (labor), it would mean a 10% unemployment rate increase.
- Personal income would be reduced by 40% (1200/3000). 1200 = (1000 x 3) – (900 x 2).
- Inflation is the increase of the price of things. In this case, 25% inflation (from 3 to 4), which also reduces prior government income and personal income.
To simplify, the above graph doesn’t show the down/left shift of the demand curve, due to the reduction of personal income, thus worsening the above and other6 undesirable effects:
Even worse, just like a general sales-tax7, the cost of a carbon tax is stacked and increased in each successive transaction along all the supply chain until reaching the consumer. This means that the net impact is proportionate to the number of links in the supply chains, thus supporting huge masonic corporations with integrated supply chains, while killing competitive smaller businesses.
The collected tax will never ever be used to fully restore the income of the unemployed due to the tax, and the increase of poverty due to inflation: this means an increase of demand of government help, leading to more taxes, more poverty and so on, on a vicious cycle, increasing the voting base for socialistic governments, in an ever decreasing pie for all.
The only way out of this mess is minimum government, minimum tax-level, least distorting taxes. Yet, there’s no incentive for this, when everybody is trying to use government for their own advantages instead of the common good.
One solution is that each contributor is allowed to use his effectively paid taxes (direct and indirect taxes) to pay for government services (even to the poor), while keeping a proportion of his unassigned tax vouchers (the rest would be used to pay for severence and unemployment resulting from downsizing agencies due to low voucher income.
This would vanish the Military Industrial Complex, the dark “green” complex, the woke education complex, etc. Millions will be forced to shift from unproductive government jobs to productive private jobs, thus increasing real GDP and real wealth for all, especially if this is matched with townhall direct democracy, and scaling political structures bottom-up, thus increasing oversight and people’s power.
You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
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Weaponization of Justice
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Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:
Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:
Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia
Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!
Musk is a grifter, full stop. Jobs never wrote a single line of code, that task was left to Dennis Richie one of the best computer coders in history who died within 3 days of Steve Jobs, but somehow didn't amass $Billions