Sep 13Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

If we look at the big picture, the entire idea of a deficit, of creating magnitudes more debt as credit is created, is utterly deranged. How deep the programming when everyone goes along with it. I'd say Beam me up Scotty except this is my planet too! Is everybody blind to the fact that these looters talk you into the believing that we need to be "governed" just sos you willingly let them fleece you to death?

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For the record not everybody is going along with it

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The Kamiktat golden motto- MMT never have to pay it back, we;ll just print more. The war on reality bites deep. Thats how they are going to turn "merica into the greatest welfare state in history mankind

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Well I for one don't understand why a nation has to borrow money from other nations when they can print the damn stuff themselves... isn't this just a bankers game? Keeping inflation and recession under control is easy if the gov is the only one in control of the money supply and not the banks. But then, whadoiknow?

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