All oil wells ever drilled have always been fully refilled and eternally replenished, from inside our earth, right, sheeples, oil is limitless, but, Dinosaurs (hate to brake it to ya'll) Never Ever Existed! Fossil fuel is luciferian jeW Rockefeller Hoax, a liquid petroleum mixture of supposed rotted, biological material, composed of (non-existant), rotted, decomposed, FAKE dinosaur juice. With satans("their father" as Jesus said) help, they have brainwashed us, Indoctrinated us, and programmed us to Believe 🦕 existed. The Meteors & Asteroids that supposedly killed all the Fake dinosaurs, are also a complete luciferian, jeW, Hoax. It's all total fukin' jeW Lie, and Hoax! Wakey² sheeples, Oil is limitless, the Saudis royal family are actually all jeWish, right? Prove me wrong, please, then you can call me a liar!
Not sure why we keep wondering what nuclear weapons are actually good for. Blackrock, State Street, Deloitte, McKinsey are good places to start. Swiss vereins and their plague are self-enriching monsters that fund the dark underground of wetiko-filled useless eaters.
All oil wells ever drilled have always been fully refilled and eternally replenished, from inside our earth, right, sheeples, oil is limitless, but, Dinosaurs (hate to brake it to ya'll) Never Ever Existed! Fossil fuel is luciferian jeW Rockefeller Hoax, a liquid petroleum mixture of supposed rotted, biological material, composed of (non-existant), rotted, decomposed, FAKE dinosaur juice. With satans("their father" as Jesus said) help, they have brainwashed us, Indoctrinated us, and programmed us to Believe 🦕 existed. The Meteors & Asteroids that supposedly killed all the Fake dinosaurs, are also a complete luciferian, jeW, Hoax. It's all total fukin' jeW Lie, and Hoax! Wakey² sheeples, Oil is limitless, the Saudis royal family are actually all jeWish, right? Prove me wrong, please, then you can call me a liar!
Not sure why we keep wondering what nuclear weapons are actually good for. Blackrock, State Street, Deloitte, McKinsey are good places to start. Swiss vereins and their plague are self-enriching monsters that fund the dark underground of wetiko-filled useless eaters.
May this coal antitrust action be just the camel's nose under the tent. These globalist mfers need to go down.