This special report hoped to make a list of all the editors' notes and retractions that would be needed because of the #TwitterFiles. The problem turned out to be too big to count
Very much on a par with...'The Red Peril', back then...a bigger peril now and using any old colour...'Safe and Effective '...'Pandemic'...'Masks stop the spread'...'Weapons of mass destruction' et al, over and over and over again.
Always distrusted the 'news', don't listen any longer and keeping eyes open in other areas, 'cos they are so stupid they just do not stop.
Very much on a par with...'The Red Peril', back then...a bigger peril now and using any old colour...'Safe and Effective '...'Pandemic'...'Masks stop the spread'...'Weapons of mass destruction' et al, over and over and over again.
Always distrusted the 'news', don't listen any longer and keeping eyes open in other areas, 'cos they are so stupid they just do not stop.