My child rearing and my own life trajectory would have had very different consequences had I not discovered WAP foundation, YOU, your books on Traditional cooking and especially the miracles of bone broth, and then eventually your equally brilliant friend Cowan. You are my greatest hero as a mother a woman a wife and a warrior for avoiding the industrialed path to illness and unnatural death. Thank you from the bottom of my soul.

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excellent information! I found out about the Weston A. Price foundation from a friend who grew up on a pasture raised beef and dairy farm in Michigan.Following her example, I assiduously avoid the highly processed seed oil contaminated products in the fast food industry and have tried to provide good food to my family.

Though I could not keep these products from the teenagers....by that time they had a very solid physical health foundation. I am so proud of them and I never had to get braces for any of them!

The grandkids...well, that's another story. High quality pasture raised meet and dairy are essential ingredients for our diets....especially in the colder climates. Thank you for all you do! Bless you...

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“Man is a food-dependent creature. If you don’t feed him, he will die. If you feed him improperly, part of him will die.” – Emanuel Cheraskin

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