Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

there is an easy check ...... India .... the government of Uttar Pradesh gave ivermectin and doxycycline to everyone in Uttar Pradesh, the 2nd largest state in India by population (210 million population compared to 330 million population of U.S. ) in Sept 2020 and got the "ivermectin spike", the immediate dropping like a rock numbers of cases and numbers of deaths ...... all of India gave ivermectin to everyone in May 2021 and got the ivermectin spike ......... and all of Japan in August 2021 got the ivermectin spike ....... is India experiencing any dropping in birth rates in the last 3 years ?

.... even if so, how could it be determined to be from ivermectin or from the vaccines?

then why not just give it to everyone over 65 who are not planning "to conceive and to grow babies to term".

there is so much of the $1 trillion a year in profits at stake in the U.S. medical pharmaceutical monopoly by the use of vitamin c as a therapeutic, vitamin d for levels of 40-60, even 60-80, and ivermectin (because microorganisms (parasites, viruses, fungi, mold, etc) are the source of all illness, disease, cancer..... search on cancer as parasitic disease ...... ) .

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Tim Truth is reporting the same thing with the studies to back it up. I think dose amount is important but the thing here is why is ANYONE taking this for a cold or flu?

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The best use of ivermectin may be to take it for cancers.

The lying is just through the roof so badly I really don't know what is true ...... totally understand that anything is possible ....... but it looks like ivermectin is an enormously effective treatment for a variety of different kinds of cancers .... cancer as a parasitic disease ....... there are a variety of different protocols out there with tens of thousands of followers each ........... using some combination of ivermectin, fenbendazole, berberine, doxycycline .... for cancers quite successfully .... with the follow up scans to prove it is gone.

Found multiple lines of censored, disparaged, diminished, harassed researchers ..... which is part of my criteria for whether something is true ....... figured that is 2 entities that think it is true .... the entity censoring it for fear of losing status quo profits .... and the entity that is saying it is true ..............

Summer 2020 an acquaintance with a daughter with severe autism mentioned Dr. Hulda Clark .... bought 4-5 of her books.... 1995 to early 2000s ..... 2 of which can be downloaded for free as a pdf ....... were $40 at one point, now $26 for hardcopy..... on the drclarkstore.com website. Dr. Hulda Clark was convinced that parasites/microorganisms/ viruses are obligate parasites/molds, fungi and pollutants/toxins are the source of all illness disease cancer. Detailed research and detailed case studies.

When ivermectin was persona non grata in the U.S. while used in entire countries in 2020 ..... and used in an entire continent Africa earlier than that to eradicate river blindness .............. I thought it makes sense ... that if the U.S. used ivermectin in 2020 population wide .... cancer treatment sales would have fallen off a cliff in 2021.

There are even other lines of significant blows to our $4.6 trillion annual health care industry in the U.S. .............. the whole high dose divided doses of vitamin c can fix almost anything history of use ... goes back to Dr. Frederick Klenner who died in 1984 I believe .... even 1000 doctors in Japan are using the Riordan protocol for cancer which includes IV Vitamin C according to a Sept 2020 interview.

The "internet' knows all of this because "it" knows to censor all of it.

To the best of my understanding .... from 4 years of reading stuff ......... a $40 box of livonlabs.com liposomal vitamin c, taken 5 a day for 6 days (30 1000mg in a box) will clear the spike protein ... covid .... supposedly 2000-3000mg of regular vitamin c a day will eliminate 80% of heart disease (Linus Pauling of Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University).

when Merck gave ivermectin to Africa to eliminate river blindness... did they cause a lowering of the birth rate?

Technically every pharmaceutical drug that is patented is a toxin to the body .... because it can't be patented if it is a natural substance known to the body (orthomolecular medicine..... treat illness and disease with substances known to the body).

All of that to say, the enormous amounts of censorship of medical advances in the U.S. for decades, has left the status quo in a very difficult position. Praying for miraculous change. Hoping there is a way to diffuse the lie bubble and bring out the whole truth in a peaceful way.

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Aug 26Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

Likewise, I have been suspicious of the push for Ivermectin as the only alternative to Covid drugs pushed by mainstream doctors. There have been natural remedies all along, but the potential for profit is not there.

I also published a paper in my notes which shows since 2020 they have been genetically engineering ivermectin to target different organ tissues. The purpose for targeting tissue was unclear.

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Thanks for the value add... I have been trying to figure this one out... The Vax was psychology... Ivermectin seems like the reverse psychology... Full court press from the Mainstream Alternative Media... when has the world ever needed an anti-parasitic drug for the flu?

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Aug 19Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

A rebuttal I saw earlier today. https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/is-ivermectin-really-a-genocidal-f19?

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Thanks for the value add! Check out our monograph: Solving Covid - The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/solving-covid-the-covid-19-eugenics and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-suspects-and-their-ties to understand who is behind "The Covid"

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A further rebuttal of Dr. Yeadon's claim is found at Dr. Makis' Substack:


Dr. Makis also cites the article by Dr. Lawrie.

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I am going to carry the Tess Lawrie article tomorrow

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This is behind the paywall.

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IVERMECTIN is under attack again - a threat to Cancer Industry & Vaccine Cartel, Ivermectin is now attacked as a "fertility toxin" just ahead of new mRNA Vaccines, new Pandemic and possible lockdowns


AUG 21, 2024


Ivermectin: Northern Ireland seizures of unproven drug used for Covid

June 2024 Interview (above video) with Dr.Mike Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer

In a June 2024 interview, Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon, a strong advocate for medical freedom and advocate for the lack of evidence of SARS-CoV-2’s existence, stated “Ivermectin is one of the most violent anti-fertility drugs i’ve ever encountered… unquestionably, at the doses you’re being suggested to take… in studies in rats, rabbits, and limited studies in humans, it reduces the ability to conceive and grow babies to term.”



2018 Sweify et al - The effect of ivermectin on secondary spermatocytes and serum total proteins

The present work searched for the potential mutagenicity of IVM in mice. This was achieved by using cytogenetic and total protein content.

Male mice treated with single injections of 200ug/kg b.w. IVM

IVM is produced a considerable signs of chromosomal damage to germ cells.

So, the cytogenetic studies revealed high clastogenicity of the drug.

On the other hand, the differences in total protein concentration obtained between treated and control samples indicate genotoxic potential for IVM.



2008 El-Nahas - Effect of ivermectin on male fertility and its interaction with P-glycoprotein inhibitor (verapamil) in rats

The results revealed that administration of ivermectin once weekly for 8 weeks induced slight fertility disturbances

Cytogenetic study revealed partial effect of ivermectin on meiosis

We concluded that ivermectin has slight effects on male fertility,

2018 Cordeiro et al - Ivermectin acute administration impaired the spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis of adult rats

IVM acute exposure, mainly in the higher dose, reduced the testicular volume, the tubular diameter and the germinal epithelium height

histological studies show that tubular sections containing several histological changes indicative of spermatogenesis interruption, such as disorganization of germinal epithelium, vacuolar degeneration of the germ cells and sloughing of cells into the tubular lumen

no differences in testosterone levels

It was concluded that acute IVM impaired the spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis of rats

Our results suggest that some testicular effects are reversible and correlated with the plasmatic levels of IVM.



2001 Emam - Effects of ivermectin and moxidectin on fertility and some biochemical parameters in male rabbits.

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of injecting a therapeutic dose (0.2 mg/kg body weight) of ivermectin (Ivomec) on the sperm characteristic, serum testosterone level and some blood biochemical constituents of male rabbits

Treatments had an adverse effect on fertility of rabbits at 30 and 60 days post-injection, and significantly decreased sperm cell concentration percentages of progressive motility and live sperm, and serum testosterone levels. In comparison, the percentage of total sperm abnormalities was significantly increased.

The induced hazard effects by the tested drugs on these parameters were reversible as they returned to normal values after 90 days of the experiment.

2019 Moreira - Ivermectin does not interfere with seminal and hormonal parameters in male rabbits

this study evaluated the temporal (1 up 60 days) effects of exposure to IVM (0.2 and 1.0 mg/kg, administered subcutaneously) on seminal and hormonal parameters of male rabbits

Ivermectin did not impair spermatozoa motility and morphology.

Ivermectin was not injure the plasma and acrosomal membranes and neither alter the mitochondrial potential of spermatozoa.

Ivermectin did not interfere with the levels of serum testosterone.

Ivermectin did not alter serum hematological and biochemical parameters.



2021 Abdel-Rahman et al - Clinicopathological and Reproductive Studies on The Use of Ivermectin in Ewes

This study aimed to investigate the effect of Ivermectin (IVM) on the reproductive hormones and hemato-biochemical parameters of twenty apparently healthy ewes weighing 30-40 kg and 2-3 years old.

treated with the recommended therapeutic dose of IVM (0.2 mg/kg, S/C) one day after parturition (treated group)

It has been concluded that IVM delayed estrous in ewes for three months via disturbing the female reproductive hormones and the hemato-biochemical parameters. Therefore, it is recommended that IVM not be injected at least three months before the reproductive season.



2012 Naoman - Effect of Ivermectin on semen characteristics of Iraqi Awassi ram

subcutaneously injected with ivermectin at dose 0.2 mg/ kg

Result of this study shows significantly (P<0.05) decrease in semen volume, sperm concentration and serum testosterone levels of treatment group while percentage of mass and individual motility show no insignificantly differences after 3 days following ivermcetin injection and Sperm abnormalities increase significantly (P<0.05) in treatment group comparing with the control group.

After 5 days following ivermectin injection, Semen parameters and serum testosterone levels demonstrate no significant differences between control and treatment groups.

It could be concluded it's not prefer be use animals for breeding at least 5 days following the ivermcetin injection due to its harmful effect on semen quality and serum testosterone level.



2020 Samuel et al - Effect of ivermectin (Mectizan) on semen and testicular characteristics in Yankasa rams Effect of Ivermectin (Mectizan) on semen and testicular characteristics in Yankasa rams

rams were housed in standard pen with access to feed and water provided ad libitum. Ivermectin was administered orally eight times at 14 days intervals for 16 weeks at 200 mg/kg to all the rams.

Semen was collected using electro-ejaculator once weekly for three weeks (ouch)

Five pairs of testes were removed through surgical castration from five rams randomly selected five days after the last treatment (ouch)

There was no significant difference in the semen parameters of all the rams before and after the treatment.

The volume of ejaculates was higher from weeks 4 to 16 compared to pre-treatment values.

The seminal pH were not significantly different.

No lesions were observed on the histological section of the testes.

It was concluded that repeated use of Ivermectin at the recommended dosage of 200 mg/kg did not alter semen parameters and testicular characteristics, and may not impair reproduction in Yankasa rams.



1986 Schroder et al - Effect of Ivermectin on the Reproductive Potential of Breeding Rams

Ivermectin was administered orally 6 times at 21d inervals at 400ug/kg to 10 Merion rams.

The semen of the 2 groups was similar before the first and after the last treatments.

The seminal pH of treated rams was lower during the periods following the first 5 treatments.

The volume of ejaculates of treated rams was generally higher during the periods following the first 5 treatments, but not consistently so.

No histological differences were observed in the testicular tissue of treated and control animals 9 days after the sixth treatment.

It was concluded that repeated treatment with ivermectin at the recommended dosage of 200 ug/kg will not impair the reproductive potential of rams



1995 Larson et al - Effect of treatment with ivermectin on reproductive performance of yearling beef heifers

In heifers that were maintained on a marginal plane of nutrition, treatment with ivermectin not only improved weight gains during each recording period but also hastened the onset of puberty and improved the pregnancy rate during a 60-d breeding season.

1991 Zajac et al - The effect of parasite control on fertility in beef heifers

The effect of anthelmintic treatment on the growth and conception rate in beef heifers was studied in southwestern Virginia, USA

animals in the treatment group were given ivermectin (200 μg kg−)

No difference in conception rate was observed between the two groups, although the cumulative weight gain was significantly greater in treated than non-treated animals.



1999 Mejia et al - Effects of continuous ivermectin treatment from birth to puberty on growth and reproduction in dairy heifers

The effect of continuous ivermectin treatment from birth to puberty on growth and reproductive performance was studied in Holstein heifer calves grown on pastures in comparison to naturally nematode-infected, untreated animals.

We conclude that ivermectin treatment in dairy heifers may increase growth rate during development, advance the onset of ovarian function, and positively affect yearling pelvic area.

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