i clicked through the RMRP 2022 Final Version. clicked to download a set of stats, it took me to MicroSoft, it looks like Bill Gates developed track/trace software, MicroSoft knew from start, to service delivered along the way, to what destination they end up at.

The Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation (PonziFoundation) profits from every point of service delivered along the migrants travels.(VirtueTax)

I'd love to see the Books.

Bill is such a good helper

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Thank you for the value add! I am sure we will get to see the books one day the same way everyone got to see their Stasi file in East Germany when the wall fell!

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Social chaos is to implement the underlying globalist financial domination. The CIA [and Soros] has used it in foreign coups for 70 years.

The Fed stopped Prez Clinton from deficit spending what he wanted. The Fed controls DS and inflation. They are allowing Biden to spend to drive the U.S. into bankruptcy. Rothschild banks did the same thing in Europe in centuries past and bankrupt the nations. Ref. Benjamin Ginsburg, FATAL EMBRACE; JEWS AND THE STATE.

The Fed has received $34 Trillion deficit spending Treasury securities before making fiat book-entry credit in government ledgers. They then auction the securities and covertly send the profit to Rothschild NYC shareholders of FRBOG, Inc. The auction accounts are client accounts---not operational accounts---and have never been audited. Ref. 31 CFR §375.3.[e].

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Jan 27
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LOL... I am in Mexico right now and would have to respectfully disagree... The food is better, cheaper and the sun light/vitamin D helps energize and recharge... Luckily... We have been dodging taxes on both sides of the border... BUT... I get your point... I'm working every single day down here and will be heads down to finish my next book over February

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