It is amazing to me that they are coming at all. Very healthy looking fit people. The countries they are leaving have beauty beyond compare to the United States. I mean for farming and growing food quickly . Apparently they never learned how to be self sufficient.

I guess the elite want all the good land and rainforests for themselves. Did they ever stop to ask themselves why the UN would be suppling them for their journey? There is no question how much they hate America and have been poisoning the land water and air for years.

I guess the influx of people is just to kill them earlier in their life, part of the depopulation agenda. Certainly to destroy America that is crystal clear.

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I agree! I am in Mexico now... I stayed after the Greater Reset and am going to finish my next book down here... Don't understand why folks would leave... oh yeah... free money, free phones, free healthcare, and free education.... until we run out of other people's money and it collapses and then folks from the US start heading south!!

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Etienne,....explain yo me “the greater reset”?

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Jan 29, 2024
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Actually I think the answer lies in giving them land in their home country to grow their own food and create their lives. Of course they would have to keep all the guerrillas and cons away. I think their culture is still spinning from the conquistadors. They are still slaves wanting to be taken care of. They have no idea what real independence means. They believe anyone with the knowledge of a false leader wanting to “free the people”. All the leaders did was control the masses. They didn’t care 1 iota about the people ever,....it was always just about the money. So they are poor like the elites, all they know about is money.

😳what would be cool is if we could go down there and build and live in the rainforests. We would have to clean up the messes the elites have made down there and do sustainable farming. Wow living in the temperate zone. One could only dream.

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