I just came across a post about how Alex Soros, now in charge of his shit-bag father’s fortune, plans to prevent leaders from cutting off funding to keep the war going.
For sure, both Biden and Trump are without a doubt Eugenicist, Satanic, Narcissistic Monsters, who will do whatever the money-managers (AIPAC) of all the various wars against “everything” on earth keep insisting—or you don’t get elected or reelected. And so to fully understand who’s most responsible for trapping Americans and our soldiers to these insane wars, you need and must only focus on the money-junkies who are directly attached to all the profits of tragedy and war—the same individuals who are actually writing all the policies: accountants & lawyers. It’s just as James Corbett said years ago after 911, which has trapped Americans to the Fraud of the War on Terror for, how many years now? Same with the Scamdemics, all of these fires, etc.
We MUST start Investigating and arresting the War Profiteers, starting with ALL of their Lawyers and money-managers, or our entire world is dead, with no chance for recovery this time. To be certain, there will be no more opportunities in the future to “almost” get it right by placing most of the blame on either the Right or Left side of Satan’s asshole—where all the powers truly reside; money junky war-profiteers, media mind-controllers, their bloody Lawyers and Accountants. It’s now or never.
I just came across a post about how Alex Soros, now in charge of his shit-bag father’s fortune, plans to prevent leaders from cutting off funding to keep the war going.
What a complete act of desperation, among others. I’m out.
For sure, both Biden and Trump are without a doubt Eugenicist, Satanic, Narcissistic Monsters, who will do whatever the money-managers (AIPAC) of all the various wars against “everything” on earth keep insisting—or you don’t get elected or reelected. And so to fully understand who’s most responsible for trapping Americans and our soldiers to these insane wars, you need and must only focus on the money-junkies who are directly attached to all the profits of tragedy and war—the same individuals who are actually writing all the policies: accountants & lawyers. It’s just as James Corbett said years ago after 911, which has trapped Americans to the Fraud of the War on Terror for, how many years now? Same with the Scamdemics, all of these fires, etc.
We MUST start Investigating and arresting the War Profiteers, starting with ALL of their Lawyers and money-managers, or our entire world is dead, with no chance for recovery this time. To be certain, there will be no more opportunities in the future to “almost” get it right by placing most of the blame on either the Right or Left side of Satan’s asshole—where all the powers truly reside; money junky war-profiteers, media mind-controllers, their bloody Lawyers and Accountants. It’s now or never.
These people are crazy. They cannot bind future presidents. When has the us ever kept a treaty or agreement.