It is common knowledge among the informed that Barack Hussein Obama's number one policy priority is the "global digital ID". When you juxtapose the "global digital ID" with CBDC's it is obviously the forerunner to the "Mark of the Beast".

FYI: There are two (2) sins Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) will not forgive: (1) Denial (blasphemy) against the Holy Spirit. [Matthew 12:31] and; (2) Receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST. [Revelation 14:9]. Do not allow the government to implant a computer chip in the flesh of your right hand, or; do not allow the government to tattoo an invisible ink barcode on your forehead.

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The psychopaths want to hold us hostage while they rampage all over the world at our expense. It is THEY who need to be surveilled! But people have to stand up and stop complying with things NOW and not wait till their in a digital prison. I hope Australians do this.

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