Jun 26Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

Something happened to the food supply in 1979. What went into the food starting around that era, and what is going into the food nowadays has gone steadily into us. We have grown larger and larger and larger, kind of like the spreading blob. It’s not only flab/ fat that we’ve gained, it’s medical issues we are experiencing and slower foggy brains. It’s super obvious that this has been happening for years. Unfortunately, nobody has ever said anything. I’ve always been on my high horse telling everybody I could that we females had no breasts in high school in the early 1970s. Everybody can see the difference in the girls today from us! So obvious, the appalachians pre 80’s are presently the grand Tetons!

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It's almost like organized crime banks creating money out of thin air bought up and monopolized the food companies and got them to begin adding chemicals to the food supply to dumb down the tax slaves so they don't understand how they are getting robbed and tqax farmed... ;-) https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/consumer-goods-monopoly-consolidation

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Corey Lynn of Corey's Digs, wrote an article for Solari (Catherine Austin Fitts' company) a while back about the food supply and vaccines being somehow implemented into veggies such as tomatoes, lettuce and spinach I believe. There is a lot of evil $$$ behind this.


If animals are being injected, then we can guarantee that we are receiving the byproducts of the "vaccines" as well.

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