I am confounded daily by the human habit of obeying some people who they consider at "at the top". Of course it leads to all sorts of perturbations of utter abuse. I wish humans would wake out of this spell.

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I am getting fed up with the american people allowing Biden to make positions in his administration that are not in the constitution! Don't be scared you need to revolt against this! This administration has NOT done anything they are required to do for the American people from day one! They didn't even take the OATH of office which means they care what they are doing to destroy the USA & you are silent about it means compliance! Teach the children civics & some adults about the constitution. Go to www. constitution 101 Hilladale has on their site! It's FREE!! The same people are in office from when Obama was there! They have an agenda planned to destroy our country, kill us any way they can & I cannot go on any of these platforms because people on their are not waking up! We all know Biden is dumb! We've known that for years! Quit focusing on him & look at other things they are destroying daily & laughing at us like this AI bs😮 speak up & them they WORK for US! We don't concent to it.

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