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I have just seen this Ross Ulbricht story. I would like to work with you. I grew up with his mother whose family was very close with my family in Bronxville, New York. I have been analyzing the crimjnal state behind wrongful political convictions like this fir the last ten years and would like to bring some of my ideas to free Ross Ulbricht. I have also organized with the Free Julian Assange movement. Please let me know how I can organize with you and get this heard before a just court. One way I have seen work in Chicago is through the collateral estoppel process that has been successful in freeing wrongful maliciously prosecuted cases in Chicago recently. Once we get a few of these cases by these corrupt prosecutors and police “dismissed” on a second hearing of the evidence, they have to dismiss the case. Please contact me at 1 (312) 371-5078 cell or 312-371-5078 EllenCorley@gmail.com.

Also here is something I just wrote to DonaldJeffries.substack.com which applies to you and ultimately all of us who need to organize a resistance to this new Christian Nationalist World order which has taken us over and getting away with it by keeping themselves invisible. My research and that of a research team of Douglas Gabriel and Mike McKibben of American Intelligence Media has traced this to the British Crown, the city of London Globalist central banking establishment and the Rothschild Illuminati Luciferian cult and a cult called the Radinites before that which has been bringing about this neoNazi neofascist Fourth Reich through the intelligence agencies and their covert and now overt Israeli Assassins machine in the IDF and IDF trained US police and and Defense Department Special Operations and Homeland Security and the pysops controlled media propaganda machine called Sayanim that removes those who tell the truth about them from their jobs or the ballot or the party for the crime of telling the truth by labeling us as anti-Semitic. In other words words, they have turned their propaganda war into a full scale Nazi takeover of the world with their forty trillion dollar printing of dirty money using the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve as the Rothschild Mafia captured creditor of their Israeli Nazi Revisionist Zionist terrorist war machine.

This Nazi takeover of our Democracy has to be stopped by exposing the evil that it is before a Jury of the Just which they are pretending to be by dressing themselves up in the Federal Judicial robes of the Federal Judicial System and it starts with impeaching the current Judges of the United States Supreme Court with a Truth and Reconciliation denazification hearing like has been done on 60 other countries but not America because they have kept their true Nazi loyalty oaths secret.

Here is what I wrote to Donald Jeffries which apples to you and people like us.

Is there a way to call into your radio show? I would like to start my own radio show. Or do you have ideas how intelligent radio hosts like yours can be syndicated with other honest intelligent radio shows like Gary Hull’s or John Barbour’s? Maybe I could at least develop a guide to the best podcasts and ways to join them since the media is fragmented and divided into echo chambers to push political miseducation culture war propaganda. I would like to make this case to the Federal Communication commission. Maybe you, John Barber, Gary Null, Amy Goodman, Mark Crispin Miller and others from WBAI in New York which I just learned a little about when I was in New York could join together. We need something like a Delphi study but we could start with filing a class action law suit or FCC complaint.

My contact information is EllenCorley@gmail.com 312-371-5078 and I guess is EllenCorley.substack.com or ellencorley@gmail.com. I have 40 years of survey research experience but it’s impossible to do these kinds of aggregated analyses with social media - part of the problem I am trying to solve so we can stop them from dumbing us down and ultimately enslaving us as they are doing to their targeted countries “enemies” like the Muslim countries and the communist countries in the name of Christian Nationalism or Christian Zionism. This culture war is real 5G psychological warfare and they are targeting us unless we organize a resistance. Thanks for being an honest listener in the ocean where I feel like a message in a bottle. Do you think these are the end times? Do you have any ideas how we can resist collectively without the media? Did you listen to the International Peace Coalition Zoom on Friday? I am afraid that none of these platforms are really open like a public education platform should be. Could we set up a time where I could interview you about your ideas so we can develop a plan to solve these existential problems? Please send me a way to contact you by phone and email if possible. I know a lot of people are afraid to share their contact information which is so crazy but it shows that “they” really are sabotaging our communications like they were doing when I tried to watch your call a couple of weeks ago. This violation of our mail and communication systems in general really is a violation of our rights and a crime when it’s done by our police state.

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