. . . knowing what I know about government. . .Im not surprised and can't wait for the day I abandon this. . . whatever it is.

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Totally agree that more chaos is created by government than if we just looked after business ourselves. Of course there wouldn't be all the bureaucracy that there is now, no need to spend 8 hours per day doing the work, that's mostly graft to keep the old buddies in a cushy job. But the town could always dip into their CAFR funds which are usually in the billions and which are kept very hush-hush. Read up on the research of Walter J. Burien or Jerry Day. Here's a short explaination by Jerry Day of CAFR funds. Awareness makes all the difference. That's why they don't want us to know! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pRPBKJQnyU&list=UUklG6ilxW_PeYeDSpKSRGZQ&index=3

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