Apr 3Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

Vaccine is big business in the livestock industry. The biggest promoters are the manufacturers. I wonder how much influence manufacturers have over veterinarians? Do the animals need all the vaccines given? Do they need any? Who can I ask that is not incentivized to sell pharmaceuticals?

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The vets have the same profit motive as the pediatricians

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Apr 4Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

Correct, my puppy vet suggested that I switch his food to those containing wheat because without wheat he is prone to heart disease. Huh? Because I am not a vet, I don’t believe it. I think negative effects of vax in dogs are being covered up as nutritional deficiencies. My vet is sincere, unfortunately she does not question narratives.

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Just FWIW… the current trend of very high protein dog food is achieved using, among other things, pea protein (cheaper than meat). I was told pea protein binds the amino acid taurine, making it unavailable - and taurine is essential for heart health, which could explain the increase in canine heart disease. Could be your vet was suggesting avoiding the grain free high protein dog food and just didn’t explain it well.

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Whether livestock or pets, vaccines are the highest markup, easiest med to administer. Well, not as easy in large animals as pets, nor as profitable, but the bigger question to me is: how was this mandated before slaughter? Normally, all drugs have to have a fairly long withdrawal period before slaughter.

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It sounded like a test but the guy shooting the video obviously wasn't a journalist and didn't understand the importance of getting all the right info out there. If anyone has the rest of the story then please post in the comments or email me and I'll publish those details as well.

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Apr 6Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

So my best friend had to put her 2 year old labradoodle down today. This dog was healthy except the last couple days. Turns out she had cancer & it was bad. How could she go from super healthy 3 days ago to “turbo” cancer dying. The vet was shocked. I wonder if they have learned to respond that way. 😡


My next animal, naturopath vet- no shots.

Be vigilant out there, MRNA are in some vet shots. Big Pharma hopes to mandate them in rabies shots one day.

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Great article on Pet Vaccinations! We will syndicate this next week!

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Terrible developments, but ...

just avoid this kind of meat and DE-centralize by buying local...

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Of course the USDA makes it difficult to legally sell locally. You can sell an entire animal but you cannot sell a package. Most people can’t afford an entire animal, the processing costs, and storage. They would, however, be capable of buying a few packages of burger.

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{...USDA makes it difficult to legally sell locally...} Guess why ??? 🤣🤣🤣 By design !!

De-centralizing does NOT mean you're entirely on your own. Community-build is paramount and various families CAN buy, process (on their own or professionals) and store an entire animal. Just check info about the Amish- and Mennonite-folks in Pennsylvania ...

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Hi, thank you for this report. An Australian state government signed a contract last year to begin this program here and the government has wiped all the information from the website and I cannot get any updated information about it - not from the farmers, not anyone. The company is in the US - Tiba Biotech and it is affiliated with some very nasty characters.


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If the Deagle report is reliable- they projected the cull rate of the Australian domestic population to be -34.6% by 2025. That’s 10million souls. By next year. Harming our domestic animals via mRNA injections is their kindly little ‘soft genocide’ approach. Releasing another bioweapon and imploding the global financial system is the death cult oligarchy kicking over the chessboard for blatant genocide.

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I wouldn't be afraid of them 'releasing a bioweapon.' Other than very localised poisoning events, it's not possible to kill billions with a 'virus' in the way the movies have portrayed.

I think Deagel is fanfiction. Australia's population is exploding due to immigration.

Beware those pushing fear porn. They usually have promocodes so you can buy their products. I think the people at the top (the families running the banks) are going for the soft, slow depopulation over many generations because that is the timeline in which they think.

I do not think there will be a sudden depopulation event (unless it is natural like from an asteroid or volcano).

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This population  have  their  heads in

the  sand bucket ....



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The ones who died of the jab were the lucky ones. Ever seen the filth, crowding, disease and sheer misery of a modern factory farm? The sadness l, boredom and frustration of sows confined most of their lives to an iron maiden stall because of the abject lie that a free roaming sow us likely to roll on and kill her piglets? Ever seen a male piglet screaming and struggling while being castrated with a pair of pliers and no anesthesia? Ever glimpsed the complete, bloody, screaming horror of the slaughter line, or a not quite dead animal writhing in pain while being dunked head first into the scalding tank after being incompletely executed just so you can taste their bodies and not feel put out that doing so us “too expensive”???

If you were the pig, you’d choose the jab because it would seem merciful by comparison. Maybe the threat of getting infected with the biomedical monstrosity we’re now forcing into the animals, will finally be enough to make the cowardly prigs who brag about eating meat but who conveniently refuse to face up to how it gets to their plate, will start thinking twice. I am absolutely NOT in favor f the animal or other mRNA jabs in ANY way, shape or form. However, I hope this is the wake-up call the average person needs to start laying off the flesh diet. Or at LEAST choose only pastured, locally slaughtered, humanely and organically raised animals.

And if you’re the snarky self-righteous carnivore who feels the need to blow off the realities of your diet and trash talk vegetarianism, bring it on. I’m an old hand at this debate. I have yet to meet one meat eater who could man up and defend their “lifestyle choice” with more than excuses to deflect the conversation, when confronted with the grim and ugly truths.

Unfortunately, you have the option of looking away and ignoring reality. The animals don’t. That’s why the health freedom movement should include them as well. Because we’re all in this together. And to the elites, you’re just a piece of meat. What goes around, comes around.

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