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FYI: I was a 15yr. old sophomore in HS when President Kennedy was murdered. Current history does not reveal that while American households were glued to their black & white TVs watching Jack Ruby shoot Lee Harvey Oswald up-close and in the stomach; the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve removed the US Government issued "Silver Certificates" from circulation and replaced with the Federal Reserve Notes in use today.

The patriarch of my family was my great-great grandfather who migrated from Scotland to California in 1849 by sailing around the horn and into San Francisco Bay to pan for gold as a '49er". Later he migrated to Southern California and his posterity became navel orange growers. My dad was a young man when FDR confiscated the people's gold in 1933. While growing up, I heard the stories from my dad and uncles and aunts about how much the Southern California farmers hated FDR for stealing their hard earned nest-eggs, that was stored in their $20.00 gold coins, that FDR stole under the authority of the US government.

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