Literally and figuratively, the stock market has been deliberating made into a gambling casino. Here is why:

1. Before the late seventies, when you bought a stock, you were given a stock certificate, which proved your ownership and possession of a real world asset.

2. Today, the broker takes your stock purchase 'money' and gives you............NOTHING! but an electronic trade confirmation ! ! ! That is, with no issuance of a stock certificate, all stock "purchases" provide the FED with FREE MONEY and........as there is no trial by jury, you cannot prove ownership in any court.

3. This leaves the Broker / Central Bank to get and keep all your electronic money you thought you used to "Purchase" stock and obtain ownership.

4. That is, the broker and FED are conning you, making you 'think' you bought and own a stock, when the fact is you bought nothing at all, and merely gave them for free, your electronic funds and got absolutely nothing in return: that is, you received in return, NO THING OF SUBSTANCE. This is just one way the supply of currency in the hands of the public is confiscated to help control inflation.

1st BOTTOM LINE: Counterfeit, imaginary stocks are being sold today.

2nd BOTTOM LIINE: All that is happening today, is gambling on the rise and fall of stock prices, where NO STOCKS ARE EXCHANGED. This is known as a BUCKET SHOP ! ! !

In 1906, the Supreme Court decision of GATEWOOK v NORTH CARAOLINA, 27 S. CT 167,168 ruled that Bucket Shops were illegal because they operated as "an establishment, nominally for the transaction of a stock exchange business, or business of similar character, but really for the registration of bets, or wagers, usually for small amounts, on the rise or fall of the prices of stocks, grain, oil, etc., there being no transfer or delivery of the stock or commodities nominally dealt in".

This is precisely was is going on today on the stock exchanges: Gambling on the rise or fall of prices BUT NO STOCKS are exchanged, transferred or delivered!

Kind Regards to All


PS. Que Bono ? The brokers and FED, because it is FREE MONEY selling non-existent, stocks for with no certificates of Ownership are issued, and for which there is NO ACCOUNTING ! ! !

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Did I see that right? 56 trillion in derivatives on JP Morgan's profile? Ol JP would be proud!!

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