I have done this so many times. The food always spoils. I’ve got another round right now I need to throw away.

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I am in the same boat.. BUT I would rather have a chair when the game of musical chairs stops then not have a chair... I look at prepping as cheap insurance given the issues with the $USD.

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some people don't have the money to prep. Or, nature. We should care about them too.

Really we must find a way to stop them, that's the only way to go.

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The key is to stockpile and rotate.

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FIFO [First In First out. Rotate your stock. Good for a couple of more years on cans.]

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We could redirect all the cognitive and monetary resources we're spending on prepping and spend it on uniting under a unified objective, the objective being stopping the psychopaths before they turn the Planet into a pile of toxic ash. You know? Prepping doesn't solve much imo, it's just an egoic pursuit ("I'm ok, and that's everything that matters" - but no, other people/creatures matter too).

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Most preppers I know have extra for friends, family and community. You have to be able to put your oxygen mask on first before you can help others... Best, E

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Yes, you are right.

But please, preppers, store some extra food for the most vulnerable.

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