Thank you for reporting on this very important information.

My take is that this is simply a sop being thrown out to help calm an increasingly agitated public and make the aggrieved think they’ve won something so they’ll shut up and waste their time bringing suits under the new law, in totally rigged courts.

There is NO way that Congress as a whole, would ever let this pass unless they have pre-jiggered the system to screw the uppity plebes again. There is NO way that anybody in congress is going to allow their corporate masters and sugar daddies to face any sort of stumbling blocks on the road to ultimate profit.

Nor will the BIG masters - the WEF, etc., - allow the people to fight back against their utopian depopulation agenda. Giving us false hope by creating the illusion that we might finally win some justice if we run down a carefully prepared blind alley, is a time tested, tried and true way to weaken the public’s will and finances. It’s like giving us just enough rope, because they know we’ll take the bait and hang ourselves with it.

My suggestion is for parents to start biting the bullet, start refusing to jab their kids, homeschool or set up their own private teaching co-ops, start running for school boards so they can get school jab policies changed, and put up candidates from amongst themselves for other small, local positions as well. Re-infiltrate the ranks of power! Change of the type we need will never come from above. Our current leaders are too entrenched in the lifestyle of corruption to ever serve us. We must serve ourselves and, in the process, re-institute a mass culture of higher values. The system won’t change for the better through a change of leaders. The system will change for the better only via a mass change of the values and viewpoints of the masses.

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Anyone who doesn't endorse the End the Vaccine Carveout Act in Congress is essentially wearing a badge that says "I'm bought and paid for by Pharma." These people need to be pointed out and removed from office. The fight is a big one as you describe. Work locally. Expand from there.

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I’m thinking that endorsement or non-endorsement are actually the same in most cases. If you endorse, you’re knowingly endorsing into a system already worked out to provide nothing more that false hope while dragging the hopeful into a pre-constructed legal dead end. If you don’t endorse, you’re supporting the legal status quo which already protects Big Pharma. Maybe one or two Congress critters might not endorse the legislation because they know it’s being staged as part of the pre-conceived deeper plan to shield Big Pharma while presenting the illusion of victory and hope to the people, but if there ARE any such consciences in congress, you can bet they’ll just vote no and take the constituent flak but never expose the reality. And why would they? If they squeal, their donors disappear and they won’t get re-elected. The people are easily fooled and bought, and the elected know that. So taking flak from people who, when given the opportunity, will still handily pull the lever for your name over and over again, over telling the truth and getting your ass kicked by the next shiny personality that the system dangles in front of the gullible masses, becomes an easy choice.

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