Absence idiocracy subject to form rather than substance of nature native to Man - it behooves our brethren to harken to wisdom of ages. When building for any future, One must acknowledge for every beginning there is but One upon which eternal dominion is found good as perfectly declared by all-fathers eternal handiwork unveiled for all walks of life seeking good will in service of honor above all else, eternal forevermore.
Well meaning intentions now must face accounting to the last farthing. And as historically proven, it never comes but for thee! So remember, when preparing where able and such blessings abound, always keep Genesis 1:26-31 & Isaiah 1:18 that Rev 1:5-6, instruction in mind and, supra Divine Providence and good will for better ordered liberty established, in support & maintenance of a peaceful universal public order for all of, by and for everyone.
Now, for people who get scared easily, just imagine that the trucks are self-driving Teslas...
Have a nice day, y'all!
In the post apocalypse world, Mad Max can have fun blowing these up... I wonder how much damage the radiation would cause if one of em blew??
Absence idiocracy subject to form rather than substance of nature native to Man - it behooves our brethren to harken to wisdom of ages. When building for any future, One must acknowledge for every beginning there is but One upon which eternal dominion is found good as perfectly declared by all-fathers eternal handiwork unveiled for all walks of life seeking good will in service of honor above all else, eternal forevermore.
Well meaning intentions now must face accounting to the last farthing. And as historically proven, it never comes but for thee! So remember, when preparing where able and such blessings abound, always keep Genesis 1:26-31 & Isaiah 1:18 that Rev 1:5-6, instruction in mind and, supra Divine Providence and good will for better ordered liberty established, in support & maintenance of a peaceful universal public order for all of, by and for everyone.
be wise, safe & blessed,