Meme heaven!!!

Etienne, another point for liberty!!!

πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ for all those reeling from yet another globalist attempt to sweep us out of their path to self anhilation... good luck with that.

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Don't skip the Adam Corolla video!

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Didn't you hear the man, he said his limmo was broken down, where are your bitches. Home owners insurance policies are being canceled all over the place like Florida because insurance is a one way street: "Discount discount discount"

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What starts in california moves east! Coming to a city near , 15 minutes of heaven after 24 hours of streets of hell. Its a war by globalists on humanity

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What perturbs, kills me the most... Is these mainstream media news outlets allowing these cackling Karen's to come on and say s*** like, "yep the smoke over LA sure smells like climate change to me!"

And they're saying it in the most heartless, careless manner... While using such a heartbreaking devastating "event" as fuel for their salesmanship / b******* agendas.

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This is the result of a perfect storm of incompetence. Los Angeles County should be civilly and criminally libel for this entire mess. People have lost everything during a climate of insurance pullbacks that started after the fires of a few years ago up in Sonoma County.

Watch who ever is pulling Biden's strings dump an enormous grant to California to bail LAC and Newsome out, e.g. money from thin air, fiat currency; hello more inflation.

Watch them NOT sack this criminally incompetent Fire Chief. I hope I'm wrong on that.

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I want solid proof about insurance companies canceling fire insurance for people. Buildings?

I don’t believe everything I hear on the internet, and I believe nothing on the Television, which I don’t watch. I know that much of this is COINTELPRO. I'm not saying it isn't happening; I just want solid evidence.

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