The devil comes to you one night, dressed nicely, full of charisma and charm.
He gracefully asks you if you would be interested in a little game of his.
This game - or scheme more like - would involve you willingly parting with a large portion of your income. This contribution of yours would be added to a pool of wealth from which everyone would then take a more-or-less equal piece; in services and benefits. You’d also have to relinquish some of your freedom and moral conviction, but you don’t see what the big deal is…
Since you consider yourself down on your luck, or treated unjustly, or less-than-average (victimhood complex), you conclude that you would benefit more from this scheme. If you consider others to be less than average, then obviously, what you’ll get from this equal redistribution will be more than what you give. Smart boy!
The devil doesn’t specifically tell you this, but he implies it: that you, and only a few other lucky ones just like you, would take back more from that wealth pool than you would have to contribute. Those richer than you would be patsies: they would be forced to pay more than they receive from this wealth redistribution scheme.
You think to yourself: “How nice would it be to force those richer than me to pay more and receive less! I don’t mind if I have to sacrifice, as long as those I envy have to sacrifice more! And I would take what they lose!”
And of course, the middleman – the devil – would take his cut, understandably. You have to reward him for the work he puts into this brilliant scheme that, after all, benefits you more than others. You rub your hands as you consider this.
You don’t mind that the literal devil is doing this, and that he uses your money and the power you grant him with your subservience to do evil things; such as propaganda, war, and senseless prohibitions that create crime and misery out of nothing.
“It’s fine,” you think to yourself. “If I personally benefit from this, then all this evil is for a greater good. I am the greater good because I am greater than all the rest.”
You remind yourself that, for you, participating in this scheme would be a net benefit, because you assume that you receive more in value than what you give, whether you deserve it or not. You don’t care if this system is arbitrary, unfair, and immoral. You don’t care that perhaps you shouldn’t feel entitled to other people‘s wealth, simply because you tell yourself that you deserve it more for reasons. You don’t give a second thought to the possibility that perhaps someone might be more wealthy because he might work harder and smarter than you.
So, you agree to participate in this game: you acquiesce to the devil’s scheme. Together with the masses just like you who also participate in the devil’s bluff of “authority,” you end up making this “authority” real with your compliance.
Those who don’t wish to participate in this game will be met with collective violence that you sanction. So, it’s all good. Right?
But in the end, the joke is on you.
Your greed is punished because you fail the test. What you actually receive from this scheme ends up being much much less than what you give. The devil’s implied promise was a lie… but in the end, he never specifically promised it; you only imagined it because you were devious, and you let your greed conjure up evil fantasies of you exploiting others. You wanted this evil to be real, so this evil is now on you.
Tragic irony.
Hubris is always punished by the gods.
So, what exactly happened?
In this game that was always beyond you to play, the ultra “elites” only need to present a false image that they give their “fair share”. What? Did you think that the devil would be on your side and not those more powerful than you?
So, these “elites” get tax write-offs using the same preferential laws they bribed the devil to make for them. And for every penny they do pay in taxes just for show, they get it back and more through funding for whatever nonsensical reason; again using preferential laws they bribed the devil to make for them. You know… nonsense like their supposed adherence to DEI, bogus “innovation,” pretentious environmentalism, and self-righteous “corporate responsibility“ initiatives. All these grifts are there to put on a show, to deceive you into thinking that the top dogs pay their “fair share” into this scheme of mutual exploitation. It’s to perpetuate your illusion that you get more than what you pay into this game of government.
In reality, you are the patsy. You were sold the dream, the opportunity to exploit others, but this was just a test. Because you wanted to exploit, your punishment now becomes your exploitation. Why? Because you earned it.
This is what you deserve. You sold your soul to the devil thinking you could exploit others. Not only were you evil, but you were dumb too.
What? Did you think that you could outsmart the filthy-rich, the other players of this game?
The apparatus of government serves the super-rich at your expense, not the other way around as you had hoped. If you thought it was the other way around, I have a bridge to sell you and my wealth to share with you.
But because you hoped to exploit others due to your envy, greed, and hatred, you enabled your own exploitation.
You played the game of exploitation and you lost: you’re the one being exploited now.
If you believe there should be a coercive centralized government, then you should never complain about any of the ills of said government. Those ills are inalienable characteristics of government, and you cannot “reform” it just because you place a piece of paper in a box every few years, forced to choose between identical puppets on a stage, which you hope to be real because you have the mind of an infant.
So, hush, please. You consciously bargained with the devil, and you lost.
When you dance with the devil, you don’t get to complain when he steps on your foot.
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