Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?
The whistleblower is active-duty Navy Medical Service Corps officer Lt. Ted Macie. He has also revealed new data showing a substantial rise in accidents, assaults
When the corporate media asked the IRS why it needed automatic weapons, millions of rounds of ammunition and heavily armed staffers trained in the “use of deadly force,” they said it was for “administrative reasons.”
But we now know that the globalists are not just arming the IRS, along with just about every other federal agency. They are militarizing these agencies to the hilt with military-grade weapons not available to American citizens.
Why, for instance, would the IRS need armored vehicles, flash-bang grenades loaded with tear gas, and .40-caliber submachine guns?
The IRS has been arming up for at least ten years. At the end of 2017, the IRS had 4,487 firearms and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition in its weapons cache, according to an August 8, 2022, Forbes article, “Inflation Reduction Act Unleashes A Tougher IRS.” You can bet they’ve got a lot more than that stored up six years later in 2023.
Here’s an excerpt from the Forbes article:
“The Schumer-Manchin tax bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed the Senate on Sunday, raises taxes and will give the IRS billions to go into what the Wall Street Journal called ‘beast mode.’”
The video below by Mark Gifford, a pastor from Lee’s Summit, Missouri, who runs the God Family and Guns YouTube channel, explains why this militarization is taking place.
The IRS has been steppng up its purchases of guns and ammunition even more over the last two years, gobbling up nearly $700,000 in ammo in early 2022. That bulk purchase prompted Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Jeff Duncan (R-SC) to introduce the “Disarm the IRS Act,” to prohibit the IRS from buying ammunition. Of course, this bill was dead on arrival because the Uniparty in Washington, which includes all Democrats and a solid majority of Republicans, are all for a militarized federal government. They hate Americans and do not represent Americans. They are globalists whose allegiance is to the military-industrial-biosecurity complex.
The IRS is not alone in this militarization.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has also purchased hundreds of .40-caliber submachine guns, presumably for making raids on independent food producers. They have a special hatred for the Amish (See Food Supply Attack: U.S. Government Raided and Shut Down Golden Valley Farms, an Independent Meat Producer)
The USDA raided the Fisher family’s farm in Farmville, Virginia, and seized their livestock and meat-processing facility as the state condemned and seized their property. They are Amish.
The Small Business Administration has also made bulk purchases of guns and ammo. Health and Human Services has done the same.
Is the federal government preparing for all-out war against Americans who push back against the government-media-approved messaging on pandemics, our involvement in perpetual foreign wars and other globalist policies?
You get the sense that maybe, just maybe, enough of us are waking up that the globalists are preparing to silence us once and for all, and the only way to complete that task is by force? All it would take is to make an example out of a few dozen, maybe a few hundred outspoken conservatives. The goal going forward would be to criminalize all speech that contradicts the messaging coming out of the government and its corporate partners. At that point, the globalists’ hope would be for conservatives to start turning on each other out of fear that they could be next. Cut a deal to turn in a fellow conservative, thereby saving your own skin from the reign of terror. This is how life goes down under fascist regimes like the one now in power, so don’t be surprised if they move in this direction. It would probably happen after they steal yet another election in November 2024. They monitor everyone’s online speech so it would be easy to pull off. They make some high-profile arrests and incentivize people to turn on each other. This would be especially effective in a time of economic hardship when people have hungry family members. Turn in a neighbor on false charges and get a month’s worth of food delivered to your door.
What Is the Big Deal About “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!
Etienne Breaks Down the Science for James Corbett of the Corbett Report
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