Who is Behind “Fake News”? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images
The manipulation and distortion of videos and images is routine.
Author’s Note
Independent media is under attack.
Censorship is now routinely applied. In recent developments, the US Department of Justice has launched indictments to Criminalize Dissent, namely to Weaponize Censorship. Moreover, readers on social media are “warned not to go onto certain sites”.
Those who say the truth are tagged as “conspiracy theorists”.
Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down.
They are the unspoken architects of “Fake News”. The Lie becomes the Truth.
One area of routine distortion which is the object of this article (and which cannot be refuted) is the use of fake videos and images by the mainstream media.
Four Notorious Cases of Media Distortion
These are four examples and there are many more. The manipulation of videos and images is routine. In some cases, these manipulations are revealed by readers, independent media and social media. In most cases they go undetected. And when they are revealed, the media will say “sorry” we apologize: they will then point to technical errors. “we got the wrong video”.
What is important to emphasize is that these media distortions are invariably deliberate.
1. Coverage of CNN 2008 Riots in Tibet
The video footage, which accompanied CNN’s John Vause’s 2008 report, had nothing to do with China. The policemen were not Chinese, but Indian cops in khaki uniforms from the Northeastern State of Himachal Pradesh, India.
Viewers were led to believe that demonstrations inside China were peaceful and that people were being arrested by Chinese cops.
Chinese Cops in Khaki Uniforms?
1′.27-1′.44″ video footage of “Chinese cops” and demonstrators including Buddhist monks. Chinese cops are shown next to Tibetan monks
Are these Chinese Cops from Gansu Province or Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, as suggested by CNN’s John Vause’s Report?
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“Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! by Etienne de la Boetie2
Anarchy Exposed! - A former police officer reports on his investigative journeyby Shepard the Voluntaryist and Larken Rose
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Sedition, Subversion and Sabotage – Field Manual #1 by Ben Stone, The Bad Quaker, and Ken Yamarashi
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