Etienne Note: Check out our monograph: Solving Covid - The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction to understand who is behind "The Covid"
Note: Since I now I have a voice through this newsletter, I periodically take part in campaigns to aimed at shifting the national dialog in a positive manner. This revised article is being sent out today since many of believe it is critical to bring public awareness to the three year anniversary of Biden’s abhorrent vaccine mandates.
Recently, a rather extraordinary turn of events happened. The sitting president was forced to drop out of his re-election campaign because his cognitive impairment was undeniably exposed to the country through a presidential debate and his party then turned against him. I and many others hold the opinion that over the last 3 years, Biden experienced cognitive and neurological decline, that this decline perfectly paralleled his zealous endorsement of the COVID vaccines, and that causality can be established since that same decline has been seen in many others following COVID vaccination (especially older adults with pre-existing cognitive impairment).
On 9/9/21, Biden gave one of the most divisive speeches in American history. There he announced his illegal workforce mandate (which was later struck down by the Supreme Court), repeated a series of known lies about the COVID vaccine and repeatedly attempted to incite hatred against the unvaccinated. Since the entire conference was 27 minutes long (which made it too long to watch), I spent a while trimming it down to the key points. The primary reason I made this article was to highlight this video, so please consider watching it (and take note of how much more lucid and coherent he was just three years ago).
Note: the above clip can also be viewed on Twitter here, while the full conference can be viewed here.
Watching that speech is understandably upsetting for many of you. In my eyes, the most important aspect of this speech is that it illustrates why it is so critical to have laws against tyranny because someone in a position of power will always become convinced that it is acceptable to do something absolutely grotesque to the citizens, and will do so unless safeguards are already in place to prevent that.
When I first saw Biden’s speech, I was shocked by the audacity of his lies (e.g., many of his justifications for the mandates, such as the vaccines “preventing” transmission, went against the known science at the time), the irrational contradictions between them (e.g., how can the vaccines “work” if you can’t be around the unvaccinated) and the absolute certainty he had in his positions alongside his gross contempt for those who disagreed with him.
Put differently, the Biden I saw was no different from one of the many difficult older men I know who listen to CNN or MSNBC all day, have absolute certainty in the beliefs they get from the mainstream media, angrily will insist abhorrent policies are justified on the basis of their beliefs and have a specific type of ego which under no circumstances will be willing to acknowledge its beliefs were incorrect.
Note: I suspect many of you have people like this in your life too. One of the remarkable things I’ve discovered from researching the Federal government is how often the head of an agency) will be completely ignorant of the actual science on a medical controversy, and instead mindlessly repeat the party-line regardless of how at odds it is with reality (e.g., multiple heads of the FDA did this DMSO).
This mentality in turn helps to explain some of Biden’s other notorious actions during his presidency such as:
•Accusing social media companies of “killing people” because they did not make a sufficiently aggressive effort to censor vaccine misinformation (which in turn his administration used to censor free speech and violate the First Amendment).
•(Erroneously) forecasting a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated.
•Pressuring the FDA to rapidly approve questionable COVID vaccinations, to the point its chief (and very pro-vaccine) vaccine scientists did not feel what the White House was requesting was appropriate—which ultimately resulted in those scientists being forced out of the approval process so the vaccines could be approved. Given that Biden had specifically promised during this mandate speech that he would not pressure the FDA to approve the COVID vaccines (to assure us we could “trust” the science), these recent revelations are particularly important, and parallel how Biden repeatedly promised he could not mandate the vaccines, but nonetheless did.
In short, because of these false beliefs, Biden both had no issue with encouraging the country to demonize those who were unwilling to vaccinate (along with the politicians supporting them) or enacting draconian policies to persecute those wishing to avoid a potentially lethal injection. I had never seen any other president do something like this so as I watched this speech, and knowing the actual science on the vaccines, I (who had been a Democrat for most of my life) became convinced Biden would eventually go down as one of the worst presidents in US history and that I needed to do whatever I could to help get him out of office.
The Consequences of Biden’s Mandates
Biden’s mandates were likely one of the most flawed policy decisions in American history. For example:
•It injured, disabled and killed American workers, creating an unprecedented loss of productivity our economy has not recovered from.

•It created one of the greatest mass casualty events in American history.
•The vaccines and their mandates failed to decrease COVID rates. Rather they increased them (because it was a rushed and badly designed vaccine).
•The mandates were counterproductive to their goal of increasing vaccine uptake because they caused much of the public to stop trusting their healthcare authorities and hence motivated them to instead refuse to vaccinate (e.g., this shift demonstrated by a recent CDC study). Furthermore, that loss of trust extended beyond the COVID vaccines (e.g., childhood immunization rates are now experiencing an unprecedented decrease), and Federal Health Authorities are beginning to admit there is an unprecedented loss of trust in them which needs to be “addressed.”
Finally, since the vaccines had such a high rate of injury, they frequently harmed the public figures who promoted them to the point everyone could see it.
Brain Injured Democrat Senators
Prior to COVID, I was told typical politicians base many of their decisions on what their advisors tell them to do (rather than say acting from the gut), as they are terrified of making the “wrong choice” and hence believe the safest option is to defer to an expert and then use “I was just following the science” as an excuse for whenever things go catastrophically wrong (e.g., many of the pleas for COVID amnesty were predicated on the idea it simply was not possible for us to know the [nonsensical] masking, social distancing and vaccines were indeed a bad idea).
One of the things COVID made very clear to me is that this was indeed true, as the advice the experts gave us were patently absurd and clearly failing (as cases and deaths kept on going up and the economy kept on going down), but very few were willing to question the scientific consensus, look at the evidence, and then devise a sensible policy.
Note: Ron DeSantis was one of the only governors that did—and he ultimately had one of the best COVID-19 responses in the country.
In parallel to this, human beings tend to double-down on their past decisions, and I noticed that as evidence of the vaccine injuries mounted, rather than admit they’d made a mistake, the faith and zeal of the vaccine advocates (especially the politicians) only increased. Because of this, I felt that many of them were still taking the vaccines, and more importantly, due to the incredibly high rate of injuries these experimental gene therapies caused, that in the same way many celebrities who had pushed the vaccines (and openly mocked those who questioned them) were dying suddenly or suddenly developing debilitating and terminal conditions, many prominent politicians would be as well—with a significant number of those injuries being severe enough that they would simply not be possible to hide them from the public.
Note: there were suspicious cases of a prominent politician (e.g., Gavin Newsom) suddenly and inexplicably disappearing from the public eye. In those cases (e.g., Newsom’s) there was evidence suggesting they were covering up a vaccine injury, but it was ultimately not possible to know (although I will share that I learned through a fairly trustable source who must remain anonymous that this was indeed what happened to Newsom).
In turn, we observed something remarkable—once the vaccines came out, in early 2022, thee Democratic senators who had aggressively endorsed the vaccines had unusual strokes—something which as I showed in a recent article, was almost statistically impossible to have happened by chance. Additionally, a fourth Democrat Senator (and vaccine zealot), Dianne Feinstein, caught an incredibly rare form of shingles (that kills less than 100 Americans per year) and ultimately succumbed to consequences of the infection. Like the strokes, this unusual condition was also strongly linked to the COVID vaccine.
In the previous article (where I made a strong case Biden had a neurological injury from the COVID vaccine followed by rapid neurologic and cognitive decline), I focused on Feinstein’s case as it had numerous remarkable parallels to Biden’s.
For example, Feinstein had had progressive cognitive decline her staff had worked to conceal. At the end of 2020, after a clear cognitive lapse during a hearing, The New Yorker reported Feinstein’s cognition, for several years, had worsened, with Feinstein losing her memory of events that had recently happened (to the point she would angrily accuse her staff of failing to brief her on a topic they’d just discussed) and had somewhat lost the ability to understand legislation. To quote that article:
Feinstein’s staff has said that sometimes she seems herself, and other times unreachable. “The staff is in such a bad position,” a former Senate aide who still has business in Congress said. “They have to defend her and make her seem normal.”
Starting in 2019, her cognition had started to deteriorate (e.g., her staff joked about it), and it became an open secret that was nonetheless publicly denied:
One person who did not want to be named recounted Feinstein asking a staffer for a memo, then responding with bewilderment when the memo was turned in the next day. These issues are longstanding: last summer, almost a year ago, one person who had worked with her and asked not to be named said “her days are all bad days now.” Feinstein’s acuity gets worse as the day goes on, multiple people told Rolling Stone, and staff have long tried to avoid her having any engagements after mid-afternoon.
At 88, Ms. Feinstein sometimes struggles to recall the names of colleagues, frequently has little recollection of meetings or telephone conversations, and at times walks around in a state of befuddlement — including about why she is increasingly dogged by questions about whether she is fit to serve in the Senate representing the 40 million residents of California, according to half a dozen lawmakers and aides who spoke about the situation on the condition of anonymity.
On Capitol Hill, it is widely — though always privately — acknowledged that Ms. Feinstein suffers from acute short-term memory issues that on some days are ignorable, but on others raise concern among those who interact with her.
Multiple sources tell Rolling Stone that in recent years Feinstein’s office had an on-call system — unbeknownst to Feinstein herself — to prevent the senator from ever walking around the Capitol on her own. At any given moment there was a staff member ready to jump up and stroll alongside the senator if she left her office, worried about what she’d say to reporters if left unsupervised. The system has been in place for years.
“They will not let her leave by herself, but she doesn’t even know it,” says Jamarcus Purley, a former staffer.
Senators juggle a heavy schedule of votes, hearings and meetings on a wide range of subjects. Momentary lapses and mixups about a topic are far from unheard of. But over the last several years, interviews with Feinstein devolved into confusion on a near-daily basis. A familiar pattern would emerge: Feinstein would make an unexpected stance on a bill or policy position, only for her staff to quickly follow up by email to correct the record. It got to the point where reporters would pause before rushing to publish an otherwise-newsworthy declaration because of the inevitability of staff reversing her statement.
After the COVID vaccines came out, Feinstein’s cognition declined further, culminating in her hospitalization for shingles encephalitis, after which her cognitive impairment greatly worsened.
Because it was so hard to hide (e.g., Feinstein told reporters that rather than being in the hospital for 10 weeks she’d been voting in the Senate and she was caught on camera getting confused and needing to be told how to vote), reports began to emerge acknowledging her cognitive decline had been an open secret and that her staff were performing many of the functions .
•Second, despite all of this, Feinstein was in denial about her cognitive impairment (e.g., she would get angry at staff who told her about a recent event she’d forgotten and assumed had not happened) and adamantly refused to step down despite increasing calls to. Even when the Democrats desperately needed her to resign so someone could take her place for critical votes or she had ceded her power of attorney to her daughter (due to how incapacitated she had become) she still refused to let go of her power:
One person whose call she would take was Mr. Schumer, who in multiple conversations with Ms. Feinstein encouraged her to listen to the advice of her doctors. But when it became clear that she had no desire to discuss leaving office, Mr. Schumer began planning for her to return to Washington, according to several people familiar with the conversations.
“After talking with her multiple times over the past few weeks, it’s clear she’s back where she wants to be and ready to deliver for California,” Mr. Schumer said in a statement on the day of Ms. Feinstein’s return. He greeted her in front of the Capitol as an aide helped her from a car into her wheelchair.
Since Ms. Feinstein’s return to Washington, several of her colleagues have privately acknowledged that she is obviously diminished. She should probably not be in the Senate, they said, though Democrats are happy to have her vote when she can.
To illustrate how confrontational they were to the thought of Feinstein resigning:
People close to her joke privately that perhaps when Ms. Feinstein is dead, she will start to consider resigning. Over the years, she and many Democrats have bristled at the calls for her to relinquish her post, noting that such questions were rarely raised about aging male senators who remained in office through physical and cognitive struggles, even after they were plainly unable to function on their own.
Note: Biden also had numerous peculiar incidents where he got mad at someone who challenged him.
Eventually, however, Feinstein succumbed to her illness last September, and suddenly died of “natural causes” the day after she’d given a critical vote and two and a half months after she’d given her power of attorney to her daughter (after which California Governor Newsom immediately appointed a replacement for her).
I believe something very similar happened to Biden, as now reports are gradually emerging that he too had increasing cognitive decline his staff tried to cover up (to the point when he showed clear memory lapses on national television, his staff and the mainstream media aggressively denied it until it became to blatant to hide). In parallel, like Feinstein, Biden refused to resign or let go of the power he had, even, as we saw in the post debate period when everyone in his party was pressuring him to pass on the nomination.
Note: During the last two years, I also heard reports from a physician inside the White House that Biden had significant dementia but I never published them here as I could not authenticate them.
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The really good news is .......... what happened with covid and the vaccines ..... censure the easy cheap amazing treatments and promote the billions in profits treatments that don't work and cause more harm...... this has been going on for decades in the U.S.
leaving enormous numbers of highly successful medical treatments just lying around.
The whole idea of censuring, disparaging, diminishing any competition to the $1 trillion profit a year pharmaceutical monopoly in the U.S. has been going on for many years ..... leaving an incredible amount of easy , low risk low costs treatments that many doctors/ researchers have been trying like the Whos in Dr. Seuss's "Worton Hears a Who" to get the word out to everyone.
Orthomolecular medicine and repurposed drugs.
Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and ivermectin just to start .... the information is out there hidden in plain sight. You just have to see a bit of it and then you see it everywhere.