RETRACTION - Update on Cal Washington's InPower Movement- Step-Downs, Resignations, & Retirements - Oh my!
A tsunami of resignations in Canada, as Notices of Liability (NoL) are served to government corporations participating in harmful agendas
Etienne Note: I am issuing a retraction on this story after a reader brought this information to my attention. I simply don't have the time to dig deeper on this right now so I am going to sideline this until I can research further which won't be for another month or so.
Hi Warren,
Thanks for bringing all this to my attention. I have to confess, I was turned on to InPower by a friend and I didn’t do the due diligence that I should have. I read your entire analysis and the analysis by Mark as well. I am going to issue a retraction and add your comments and the links to the comments and reference them in the retraction.
From: On Behalf Of Warren W.
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: Update on Cal Washington's InPower Movement- Step-Downs, Resignations, & Retirements - Oh my!
I'm really surprised you sent this bilge out. For one of the few soapbox people who was smart enough to nail Berwick you sure blew it on Cal and InPower. In short, you've been suckered.
InPower hasn't collected a dime that I know of in their 8 years of doing this papering exercise, but they are always quick to claim credit for any resignation that happens by coincidence. The MFs they target resign and change jobs all the time and for various reasons. It has nothing to do with getting papered by InPower. Also, ask yourself why they charge suckers $100 to join up. If the million$ and billion$ of NoLs worked they'd be paying people to join! What also cracks me up is when they target someone and then later have a "second wave." If it works so well, why the need for a "second wave."
I called BS on this almost as soon as they started. As someone active and in the front lines of the "smart" meter resistance (years long story, multiple lawsuits) I knew their shit was ineffectual. Below is my critique of their first video from 8 years ago. Nothing has changed since then. And here's a link for Mark at Sacramento Smart Meter Awareness' article on InPower:
I watched the InPower Episode #1 youtube and took notes.
Please be aware that what I have to say is nothing personal against Josh del Sol or anyone else featured in the youtube. I have no personal grudges or axes to grind. But I do have a working BS detector.
Josh is a good filmmaker. TBYP was a great, fact-based tool for awakening people. But this one -- and I will back this up with specifics -- is propaganda. I would love for the theory it espouses to work, but I don't think it will or has.
I am going to go through the youtube now in the order that various things were presented.
The video gets off to a bad start when Cal makes the point that one of the basic InPower premises is that, by switching to SMs, the utility has changed the contract they have with you. That's both right and wrong. Technically he is right because what they have installed is not a meter. It's a transceiver and computer. I have made that point repeatedly here in AZ for years. I have proved it with an exploded
conceptual rendering of a SM from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory that shows metering to be 1/5 of what a SM is. I have proved it by providing documentation that the IRS classifies SMs as computers. I have proved it by providing the Congressional testimony of utility exec. Bennett Gaines
saying SMs are computers. But guess what? In the "real" world, to the utility and PUC type people, it's a meter. They won't budge off that. If you accept service from the utility, you accept their equipment.
Cal says that Kevin Lynch resigned on the day he got a Notice of Liability. This is supposed to be huge because Kevin holds the most senior non-political office in the gov. of Canada, Clerk of the Privy Council. Now this is something we will see throughout the youtube: A news article is put on screen (11:17) and most of it is greyed out, with what Josh wants to emphasize lightened up and highlighted.
But if you read the grey it says that "there has been much speculation in the civil service that he wanted
out." From my perspective, that's a lot different than Cal's exclamation at the end of the sequence that "He ran!" And again, this is something we will see a lot of in the youtube: Drawing a false cause and
effect relationship between Notices sent and people resigning or not seeking re-election. What we should be looking at is if policy changes, not if someone resigns or does not seek re-election.
Carol Taylor -- Another person who resigned, supposedly because she received a Notice. But if you read the greyed out part the reason given is "So she can focus on her new job of chairing a federal economic advisory panel." She has not been knocked out of the game. People like her make those kind
of career moves all the time.
Cal talked about a judge he had running out of the courtroom. The bailiff (or sheriff or whoever was running the court) then says "All rise. I guess we're having a break." The problem is, Cal just leaves it at that. What happened after the break is not divulged. Outcome of the case not divulged. Maybe the Judge had a bathroom emergency. Who knows? One upshot was that Cal got arrested a year later, that he made sound as though it was some kind of revenge (and may well have been) for driving without
insurance, and he spent 60 days in jail. Cal then talked about what happened after he got out and went to court again. Long story short, we are titillated with a $300M demand he put on the judge but the outcome of that is not divulged. It is left open ended. We don't know what happened. And I don't know
about you, but I have better things to do than spend 60 days in jail. I've been there a couple times overnight. That was enough.
Kevin Falcon, is given as another example of someone who stepped down. What really happened in the greyed out bit is that he announced he was not going to seek re-election. As part of that announcement he did "step down" from some posts he held. But he did not quit altogether. The last line you can see on
the screen is that his reason for not seeking re-election is "he and his wife are expecting." Since the next line is not seen, I can only assume they are expecting a baby. What else would they be expecting together? A new car? Cancer? A Notice of Demand? I don't think so. People resign all the time for
family changes.
Next, examples of results of specific "seed groups" utilizing the Notice theory are presented.
Kelowna, BC action -- The SM installer company CEO resigned on the day he got a Notice of Default, and Chair of the BC Utilities Commission who also got the same notices resigned. That sounds impressive but did SM policy change? No. Did the installation company fold up shop and stop installing SMs? No.
Seattle -- same thing. People did not seek reelection and a couple of people resigned but did policy change? No. And BTW, people resign and don't seek reelection all the time. Since I have been on the ACC's case here in AZ (6 years), the ACC Executive Director resigned. 2 Utilities Division Directors
have resigned. The so-called "Ethics Officer" resigned. Other various people there have resigned. Was that because they got Notice letters? No. Was that because I was such a relentless PITA? No. They resigned for a number of different reasons. A couple of them went to work for APS. Oh, and the Exec.
Director of the AZ Dept. of Health Services, the guy who was in charge when the fraudulent SM health
study they did came out, also resigned. Was that because I savaged his stupid SM study? No. Was it
because he got a Notice? No. He moved on to a university teaching gig in Tucson. People do get sick of
Phoenix. People do make career changes.
MI -- AG Bill Shuette calls for free right of SM refusal after being sent the Notices. Total nonsense.
Schuette has been hip to the SM scam since at least 2012! At the bottom of this email I reproduced the statement he issued in 2012.
About 4 people at the MI PUC are no longer listed at the website. Big deal! See my point above about the ACC resignations here. Happens all the time.
If you read the greyed out part, you can see that the Warren city attorney statement was taken out of context. Josh made it sound like he resigned and in so doing blew the whistle on DTE's campaign donations. Campaign donations are a matter of public record. I look up APS's all the time. It's not major whistleblower stuff. The point the Warren city attorney was making (again, in grey) is that, for people who want to change SM policy there are steps that must be taken, and that some venues are appropriate
and others aren't. In his opinion for example, the Council can't do it. Also, DTE is the beneficiary of a certain law which he cited and then, saying that the law could be changed, he mentions that would be
hard because of DTE's campaign donations. That's not whistle blowing. It's a statement of political
reality. In short, the city attorney was being frank.
13 people have saved their analogs. That's great, but for how long will that last? Were they given any guarantees? If they wrote Notices, where are the responses? Also, there's a lot of people in MI who held
on to their analog meters -- until they didn't. In other words, they were defiant and that worked for quite
a while but eventually DTE came around to either cut them off or install a SM. If the 13 Josh mentioned still have their analogs a year or 2 from now, then I might be convinced.
NY -- The speaker says he sent a $300M liability letter to not have a "smart" water meter and got a letter back saying "We're sorry; you don't have to have one." But would he have gotten that letter
anyway had he written something less shrill? The details of how to refuse a SM in his location are not provided. Were the meters mandatory? We don't know.
Maui -- This is another false cause and effect. The electric company switched from wanting to blanket the islands with “smart” meters to an "opt in" proposal. That was actually the result of the PUC rejecting the company's huge proposed budget. The company had to make cuts. Blanket "smart" meter
installation was one of them, but it remains a long term company goal. Also, that decision was made
well before any Notice letters were sent out.
Lastly we get the voice of a "utility insider" who says that his utility has a "war room" dedicated to keeping track of SM resistance. Big deal. Of course they do! Josh is flattering himself if he thinks that's the result of Notice letters being sent out. I am sure just about all the utilities have war rooms or at least have someone whose job it is to keep track of resistance. I know for a fact for example that APS has pictures of my meter cage. Does anyone think these companies just sit on their thumbs in the face of a threat like SM resistance of any kind? PG&E had VP "Ralph" infiltrate some anti-SM chat group years ago. In response to her request not to have a transmitting gas meter, someone I know actually got an email from UNS gas here telling her she'd been "brainwashed by Warren Woodward." So of course these companies are keeping track of us, Notices or no Notices.
From MI A.G. Bill Schuette in 2012:
Opt-Out Provisions
Given the questionable benefit of smart meter program to customers, as well as the
extensive public concern about the effect and potential intrusiveness of smart meter
infrastructure acknowledged in the Commission's January 12, 2012 Order in this matter,
the Commission appropriately directed Michigan's electrical utilities deploying or
proposing to deploy smart meters to provide information about their plans for allowing
customers to opt out of having a smart meter, and how they intend to recover the cost of
such an opt-out program.
The Attorney General respectfully submits that utility customers should be given a
meaningful choice of whether to have smart meters installed and operated on their
property. An "opt-out" program that requires those customers who opt out to pay an
unwarranted economic penalty for doing so does not afford customers such a meaningful
The information provided by Detroit Edison, and Consumers [Consumers Energy
Company] in response to the Commission's Order does not sufficiently establish that
they intend to offer customers a fair choice of whether to accept smart meters on their
property. Detroit Edison's response on this subject is based upon the assertion that
"Edison's AMI [Advanced Meter Infrastructure] program is beneficial for all customers."
(Document No. 0148, p. 7). Proceeding from the unsubstantiated assertion, Detroit
Edison apparently proposes to impose what it broadly describes as "all incremental
costs" solely upon customers who choose not to accept installation of smart meters.
(Document 0148, pp. 8-9). Consumers' submission similarly states that while it proposes
to provide customers with the option to retain their existing meter equipment, it
apparently intends to subject customers making such a choice to additional charges,
including charges for "maintaining ready testing and billing traditional meters".
(Document No. 0146, pp.16-17). While neither Detroit Edison nor Consumers provide
details regarding their opt-out proposals and associated charges, both of their comments suggest that they intend to effectively penalize customers who choose to opt-out of smart meters. Presumably, under the utilities proposals, customers who opt-out of smart meters would be required to pay rates covering both the costs of the smart meter program, and expansively defined incremental costs "of retaining traditional meters. These proposals raise substantial questions as to whether their respective customers would, in fact, be afforded a fair and meaningful choice to "opt-out".
Another argument which may be important for the Commission to consider is whether a financial incentive to homeowners who allow smart meters to be installed in their home might be an alternative approach to a rate increase if a homeowner refuses to permit a smart meter to be installed.
Respectively submitted,
Bill Schuette
Attorney General
DATED JANUARY 12, 2012 –]
Trudeau leaves With $500 Million InPower Debt
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has copped a financial swipe in response to the for-profit harms his government has participated in, with InPower Claimants across Canada billing him to the tune of almost half a billion dollars.
Trudeau announced his decision to step down last month, ending his nine-year stint as the country's leader and nearly 13 years at the helm of the Liberal Party, following internal party battles and disastrous opinion polls.
He was served a total of some 352 contractual and financial instruments as a Respondent in the NoL process, invoiced in his public and private capacities, during his term of office, for all four agendas he was active in: Mandatory Vaccinations, Geoengineering, Wireless Radiation (5G), and Trespassing Technology (Smart Meters).
Canada's parliament will be suspended until March 24 while a new leader is chosen, at which time InPower Claimants will have the option to follow Trudeau with their billing process privately and in any public capacity he may professionally assume.
InPower's NoL: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Canadian Transport Minister Anita Anand might be making career moves, but she hasn't been able to shake InPower's formidable NoL claim since being served the commercial process in 2024 in her role as President of the Treasury Board under Justin Trudeau.
Anand, a Respondent in NoL processes under Law Merchant principles, was first served by InPower Claimants for her participation in for-profit harms including Geoengineering, Mandatory Vaccinations, and Wireless Radiation (5G) in her Treasury Board role, a position she stepped down from in December after being served her third true bill.
Anand was then appointed as Minister for Transport only weeks ago, and was tipped to enter the Canadian Prime Ministerial race to replace Justin Trudeau.
She was sent her fourth true bill on December 31 of 2024, and has announced she will not be seeking leadership of the Liberal Party, and will instead follow Trudeau's example and start her career's next chapter by returning to academia.
Anand has been billed almost $60 million dollars in her private and public capacities by InPower Members at the time of her resignation.
Another Step Down at Toronto Hydro
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Celine Arsenault, quietly abandoned her post at Toronto Hydro Corporation, a holding company of the City of Toronto, Canada, a regulated electricity distribution company that delivers electricity to approximately 768,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers in Toronto.
Arsenault received several Trespassing Technology (Smart Meters) NoLs in her capacity as EVP and CFO of Toronto Hydro since her appointment in May of 2022.
Arsenault has been billed almost $20 million in her public and private capacities and her departure marks the second step-down for the company within a year, with Chief Executive Officer Anthony Haines resigning in May of last year.
There are currently three more respondents at Toronto Hydro receiving NoLs from InPower Claimants.
Australian State Chief Health Officers Step Down
Doctor Clare Looker and Professor Ben Cowie, who shared the role of Victoria's Chief Health Officer, have both stepped down less than 18 months after Professor Brett Sutton left the job.
Clare Looker received several NoLs from InPower Members, with billing at almost $20 Million, for her contribution to the Mandatory Vaccinations agenda in Australia.
Looker appears to have taken up a position with the Australian Government's National Health and Medical Research Council.
Cal Features at Confluence Festival
InPower CEO and Co-Founder Cal Washington will join a line-up of incredible speakers, musicians, and workshop leaders within the freedom movement at this year's Confluence Festival.
Confluence is a transformational event held at Sovereignty Ranch in Bandera, Texas from May 7-12, where heart-based, like-minded community will come together for health, freedom, and coherence.
Cal is set to share updates on InPower's successful NoL process, the system of law behind it, how it works based on our concepts of money, and why it's a critical time in history for men and women to engage with this mass liability action.
Denmark Wireless Radiation (5G) NoL Goes Live
A new NoL for Members in Denmark has gone live for the Wireless Radiation (5G) agenda, making this the third cause available for Denmark, alongside Mandatory Vaccinations and Trespassing Technology (Smart Meters).
Denmark is now on par with Australia's billing totals reaching $2 billion this month.
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Good post, Etienne, much needed to get InPower out there.
Add these:
Here is interview of Cal
Here are four videos on the topic
InPower Youtube
NOL documents to download
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