Audio production by TNP Productions LLC
Reading books and watching podcasts gives you knowledge, but lived experience provides a sixth sense about any given topic. Strange fires is now on the short list of things I have direct lived experience with. Allow me to take a step away from my usual medical cult related topics and share some of that sixth sense on a current event. The LA fires (Palisades, Eaton, Malibu, Altadena CA). Not to worry, there are always connections to the globalist Covid crime gang to uncover.
Talent for Using Testing Grounds
Three months after the Almeda fire raged through a desirable area of southern Oregon, I found myself in the very small town of Talent. It was one of the towns that had been devastated by the fire. As I set about acquainting myself with my new town, I began exploring the fire damage which was all along the local park system and it came very close to main street in town.
One of the strange things I noticed was on one side of Talent ave, all the homes and trees were untouched by the fire. Also on the untouched side was the much loved Shakespeare festival headquarters building. The other side had been burned to the ground mostly along the corridor between Talent Ave and interstate-5. An area that was lined with unsightly and undesirable trailer parks, mobile homes, and tightly packed older single family homes. The only recognizable objects remaining were cars and fireplaces. It must have burned incredibly hot because some of the metal components of the cars had melted. The glass was missing from each one. There was no burn zone between homes. Just white hot spots in the middle of each home and charred burn marks radiating outward from each. No trees or poles were left standing in the burn areas, yet just across the street there were zero signs of fire. It looked like fire jumped from house to house but it couldn’t cross streets.
As I walked through the park, I noticed trees seemed to have burned from the inside. They were singed at the base and many of them had split or broken apart from the base. Some trees appeared to be alive for a long time but died much later. It didn’t make any sense, the tops of trees are the most flammable, yet the least flammable part of the trees showed the most damage. Trees, bushes, and grass right next to these severely burned trees were untouched. Each day as I walked my dog through the streets of my new town, I marveled at how unnatural the fire seemed. The tiny town of Talent may have been divided over how to deal with Covid mandates but everyone agreed there was something strange about that fire. What made them all say that?
The Wind Began to Switch
Every single one of the locals in Talent mentioned the wind. They said it was a strange. Winds were stronger than usual and blowing in a different direction. Residents of Lahaina also documented how bad the wind was before the Maui fire. When the LA fires broke out and LA locals from there began telling me about the wind, I got chills. It was happening again.
One LA local reported the wind was so bad before the LA fires that it caused traffic light poles and other poles made of metal and concrete to snap in half! Another local said a 250 pound piece of lawn furniture was moved around due to the wind. Maya added she has experienced the Santa Ana winds many times before but there were strange winds blowing the night of January 6th, 2025. The wind came out of nowhere and it doesn’t usually blow that direction. Fred also noted it was a cloudy day and the air was thick with chemtrails. Then the smoke dropped visibility to the point nobody could see the sky anymore. These clouds didn’t blow away in the severe wind. Fires broke out the morning of the 7th and the wind continued to pick up into the afternoon. Even controlled legacy media reporters are repeating the term “hurricane force winds”.
Excuses, Excuses
Also like the Lahaina fire, the ways in which the LA fires have been mishandled are too numerous to count. Karen Bass, the Mayor of LA, cut the fire budget by $17.5 million just months before the LA fires broke out. In addition, thousands of home owners insurance plans were cancelled just before the Palisades fire. Even more suspect is the same mayor who was responsible for the fire dept budget cuts was conveniently over seas when the fires broke out. All this together raises serious questions about foreknowledge of the event.
Gov Gavin Newsom ordered to maintain water restrictions for LA water reservoirs, against the advisement of environmental groups. A move that favored the perceived needs of the smelt over the needs of the people of LA. There was a drought proclamation signed by Newscum’s hand on April 21, 2021 that severely restricted water use. The situation is to the point farmers have been paid not to farm their land in the Klamath river basin, which is one of the areas restricted by Newscums drought proclamation. Many farmers have had to sell. That extra stored water could have provided water for hydrants. LA officials are blaming dry hydrants squarely on water demand, coupled with damaged water lines and pumps.
Residents of west of Lake road in Altadena are reporting they never received evacuation warnings. People were fleeing their homes on their own. Some were warned by neighbors on the east side of Lake road, who did receive evacuation notifications. All of the deaths in the Eaton fire were on the west side of Lake road in the area that wasn’t warned. It just happens to be one of the poorest areas hit by the fires and one with a high black and Hispanic population. The LA fire department failed to heed the lessons that could have been learned from the Lahaina and Almeda fires. Similarly, residents were not warned in Lahaina because Governor Josh Green admitted he never activated the sirens to warn residents. In mainland towns the primary method is via smart phone message notifications. During the Almeda fires, surrounding areas received messages, but the residents of Talent, never did.
Another frequent excuse for the fire is the power companies didn’t clear brush from under power lines and red tape was preventing other fire control measures such as prescribed burns.
Heroes FIRED!
As LA burns to the ground, these idiots Karen and Newsom, have the balls to tell the residents of LA they lost their homes because the fire department terminated too many firefighters who refused to get their Covid-19 vaccinations. Hundreds of firefighters were forced to get vaccinated or be charged to take a Covid-19 PCR test in order to return to work. LA county courts have upheld rulings that support mandatory vaccination.
Judge Michael P. Linfield tells the LA Times “courts have consistently held that government has the power to require vaccinations to protect the public’s health and safety.” He cited several cases, including a 1905 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that compulsory vaccinations are allowed under the Constitution.
My idea of a hero has been forever changed by Covid and the many weather and fire related disasters that have unfolded over the last five years. Healthcare workers were called heroes during the Covid scamdemic but they were the ones carrying out the hospital holocaust. Now the heroes that carry women and children (and cats!) from burning buildings are officially treated like the criminally insane for refusing vaccination.
Also from LA Judge Linfield “the firefighters’ position calling the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines “a disputed factual issue” is “contrary to case law, science, and common sense.”
The LA fire dept has been focused on diversity hires since bringing on fire chief Kristin Crowley in 2022. Once again the group of people dedicated to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are perfectly fine with discriminating against people based on vaccination status. Just not sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion. You know, the approved things.
Why Didn’t the Fire Cross the Road?
All three of the above photos were taken on Lake Ave in Altadena California. Notice anything weird about them? You may notice that the highly flammable eucalyptus and palm trees that are very close to the burn areas remain lush and green but everything surrounding them is charred ruble. The one building that still stands is an affordable housing building. An eye witness describes seeing many of these on both sides of the road that did not burn but all of the buildings around them did.
Last I checked, wildfires do not follow traffic patterns. Streets do not stop embers from blowing across and burning anything they come into contact with. Flames do not selectively burn concrete structures to the ground but leave highly flammable eucalyptus trees mere feet from the fire unharmed (especially in hurricane force winds). The LA fire is reminiscent of the Almeda fire in Talent, Oregon that magically knew how to stop before it crossed the street. The fire in Altadena magically spared the wealthier areas and affordable housing but conveniently annihilated the poorest area in town filled with what the globalists used to call “undesirables”.
DEW or Do Not? There is no Try
If Covid taught us anything, it’s to not trust, verify. Leave no stone unturned. Was LA a tinderbox just waiting for the right conditions to ignite or was LA intentionally set up for this?
Both locals, Fred and Maya reported wide spread power outages. She was unable to get footage but Maya reported seeing trees that looked like they were burning from the inside, as she later saw on CNN. The video below shows trees burning from the inside from an independent source. At the 25 minute mark, Jeff Snyder explains the wind is an electromagnetic reaction that is characteristic of a plasma fire. He covered the Lahaina fires that he also suspects to have been plasma fires. Note that power had been turned off but power poles and other items that are capable of carrying electrical currents appeared to be burned from the inside. There are no burn trails leading to burned structures or flames seen from the outside to spark these fires. Strange occurrences that the Almeda fire in southern Oregon, Lahaina, and now the LA fires all share.
Stew Peters reported landscaping, trees, and lawns in the destruction zone are all untouched miraculously. He interviewed Dane Wigington, the founder of Geoengineering Watch to investigate a possible connection. Dane confirms the fires are not natural. He doesn’t talk about plasma fire or DEWs but he does confirm one of the LA locals suspicions that chemtrails might play a factor by explaining aluminum is commonly used in aerial spraying. Aluminum is incendiary and acts as a desiccant to the vegetation. We can’t rule it out as a contributing factor but it doesn’t explain the lack of burn trails or trees burning from the inside.
There is no denying that the DOD, DARPA, and the military have direct energy weaponry (DEWs). The military industrial complex has been focused on developing various types of DEWs for multiple reasons. Top of that list is the same as the pathetic rationale used to support the existence of biolabs; for countermeasures against other countries with DEWs. Are there any DEWs that are capable of producing the plasma fires, as described by Jeff Snyder? Possibilities abound but the HEL laser seems a likely candidate.
DEW attacks are possible and it is time to start asking some serious questions about how they can be used. Would our government use a DEW on it’s own people? If so, does the government, or high level officials that control the government, have the motivation to use them against their own people? In a few months I will be publishing Chapters 6 and 7 of The COVID Code My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult to this Substack, where I answer the question: would the government intentionally do something that kills it’s own people? The short answer is yes, they would. The last unanswered question is motivation, who has it?
Must Build Smart LA by 2028, but How?
The best answer comes from the City of LA’s smart city initiative, same as Lahaina. Shelby Hosana, Maui resident, founder of, and author of Burn Back Better was frequently heard on podcasts informing everyone about Maui’s SMART city initiative. She informs us that the natives of Lahaina had been resistant to selling land to wealthy off-shore celebrity types for years. Maui land owners like Oprah aren’t used to not getting their way. When spoiled people don’t get their way, tantrums should be expected. The global parasite class that had been advertising to come to Hawaii for the SMART city development for years wouldn’t let a few natives stop their plans. A DEW would be a quick and easy way to pave the way to the promised SMART city land.
SMART cities are not the only possible motivation. Oprah and P. Diddy were friends. Diddy’s disgusting evil deeds being exposed is leaving everyone connected to him shaking in their boots over the possibility of being dragging down with him. As Catherine Austin Fitts asks on her show Financial Rebellion, how many of the homes in LA are owned by celebrities on Diddy’s list? Dreadful things have been done to cover up pedophile rings, she adds. If the fire occurred anywhere else, the simple plot of it being a land grab might add up. The fact that Hunter Biden’s home burned in the fire but Diddy’s home remains unscathed indicates there is a certain high profile nature to this particular fire. Imagine all the evidence that was just incinerated. Destroying evidence in fires is something Hillary Clinton knows all about. Some of those accusations were about covering up a pedophile ring, maybe she sent Diddy a memo?
We might not ever know for sure what the cause of the LA fires was. Newscum and his LA county officials are intent on obfuscating the truth and hiding behind a distracting mountain of excuses. Covid showed us how California would respond to a crisis and the way the LA fires are unfolding shows us how history repeats itself. Pray for the victims of these fires and if you are local, please step up and do what you can to help those around you in need.
I grow more concerned each day the LA locals that have informed me about these fires may be correct when they say the body count will be higher than the 25 bodies the news is reporting. Shelby reported the same after the Lahaina fire. The small communities of Talent and Lahaina took care of each other in the aftermath of the fires. LA is a large city full of people who aren’t used to leaning on their local community. Be someone that paves the way by doing a small act of kindness like delivering clean water or passing out sandwiches and blankets. You will make a world of difference and become a real hero to someone in need.
The Talent of Burning Back Better
Residents of Talent quickly learned the town had been scheduled for an upgrade, and they weren’t invited. The home lots of victims were all declared to be hazardous and homeowners were forced to have their properties professionally remediated before they would be permitted to rebuild. Remediation services were backed up for months due to the demand. Many home owners couldn’t afford the fees or to wait for permission to rebuild. Trailer park residents were the first to go, followed by most of the home owners who couldn’t afford the fee or to wait for remediation. The town is now filled with a low-income high rise apartment complex that appears out of place and parking lots lined with fleets of one-room trailers for families that once occupied entire homes. Something that both Adam Corolla and Etienne de la Boetie2 at The Art of Liberty Foundation see coming for the victims of the LA fires as well.
Whatever the cause, it cleared a large swath of densely treed area right along a heavily traveled freeway that brings wealthy Californians north. The small town of Ashland is the first town they come to and it is known for it’s art and the Shakespeare festival. It’s also home to Southern Oregon University which makes the town far more liberal leaning than the surrounding areas. The perfect testing ground for an internet of things and the 5G to connect all the smart tech. All those pesky trees would have interrupted the 5G signal.
There are many theories about the cause of the Almeda fire. The official narrative is that it was arson and the wind blew one fire from a field all the way trough three small towns. A narrative even the most mandate abiding liberals have trouble accepting as truth. The narrative isn’t consistent with other arson stories and it doesn’t explain the change in wind patterns before the fire. Locals tell stories of the cause of the fire being a DEW attack, but for what purpose? NaturalNews and others began asking if the Almeda fire and others in Oregon and California could be DEW attacks. Could geoengineering explain the wind patterns, or was it just a series of unfortunate events? There is even a local rumor that a pedophile had failed at abducting a child and then set the fire to create a distraction for his escape. The rumor is possible but like the name of a cool band I like, it’s Highly Suspect.
I covered it briefly in my telegram channel while I was attending an event to promote the upcoming release of my book. Pardon the no make-up and ‘metal hair’, I was living in a van at the time. Hair dryers were a luxury I rarely got to use during that period of time. One of the sacrifices and choices I made to focus on writing and publishing The Covid Code
Whatever the cause, it cleared a large swath of densely treed area right along a heavily traveled freeway that brings wealthy Californians north. The small town of Ashland is the first town they come to and it is known for it’s art and the Shakespeare festival. It’s also home to Southern Oregon University which makes the town far more liberal leaning than the surrounding areas. The perfect testing ground for an internet of things and the 5G to connect all the smart tech. All those pesky trees would have interrupted the 5G signal.
There are many theories about the cause of the Almeda fire. The official narrative is that it was arson and the wind blew one fire from a field all the way trough three small towns. A narrative even the most mandate abiding liberals have trouble accepting as truth. The narrative isn’t consistent with other arson stories and it doesn’t explain the change in wind patterns before the fire. Locals tell stories of the cause of the fire being a DEW attack, but for what purpose? NaturalNews and others began asking if the Almeda fire and others in Oregon and California could be DEW attacks. Could geoengineering explain the wind patterns, or was it just a series of unfortunate events? There is even a local rumor that a pedophile had failed at abducting a child and then set the fire to create a distraction for his escape. The rumor is possible but like the name of a cool band I like, it’s Highly Suspect.
I covered it briefly in my telegram channel while I was attending an event to promote the upcoming release of my book. Pardon the no make-up and ‘metal hair’, I was living in a van at the time. Hair dryers were a luxury I rarely got to use during that period of time. One of the sacrifices and choices I made to focus on writing and publishing The Covid Code
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Go paid at the $50 a year level, and we will send you a free paperback edition of Etienne’s book “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! OR a 64GB Liberator flash drive if you live in the US. If you are international, we will give you a $10 credit towards shipping if you agree to pay the remainder.
Support us at the $250 Founding Member Level and get a signed high-resolution hardcover of “Government” + Liberator flash drive + Larken Rose’s The Most Dangerous Superstition + Art of Liberty Foundation Stickers delivered anywhere in the world. Our only option for signed copies besides catching Etienne @ an event.
The perfect weapons are those the public cannot even identify as weapons. Plausible deniability combined with ready-made narratives......what else to do (dew?) but paint everything blue.
Suddenly, so happy I don't live in an obviously "desirable" locale. But Cape Cod is not so very distant. I wonder if "climate change" will cause one of these wildfires that will take out the unsightly waterfront towns like Hyannis or Buzzards Bay. Will climate change be hampered by the relative difficulty of wildfiring tidal marshes? I dunno. Seems in the 21st century climate change can do whatever the fuck it wants to.