The WHO teaches European children Sex, or why this organization should be entrusted with nothing
This booklet is from 2010. It suggests that children age 9-12 have their first sexual experience. With whom???
by Meryl Nass
Below is what should be taught to children aged 6-9 years old. It includes information on sexually transmitted diseases, the “sexual rights of children” and “awareness of rights and choices.”
Below is what should be taught to 9-12 year olds. “Symptoms of pregnancy”??? “Variability of sexual behavior”??? Using contraceptives??? Please have a look at this booklet and weep at what our children are beng subjected to through an evil agenda and a compliant WHO.
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I’ve pointed this out to normies who defend if saying “sex education is important” unfortunately it seems NOTHING can shake them out of their mind controlled trance.