The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency
While the WEF’s Young Global Leader program has recently become infamous, it follows the model of a much older program and think tank established with the ill-begotten gains of Cecil Rhodes.
The recent, pandemic-ridden years have involved a steep and often traumatic learning curve for many citizens across the Trans Atlantic. One particularly shocking revelation that has ripped virally across the internet in recent days revolves around the revelations that the World Economic Forum’s ‘Young Global Leaders’ have been positioned across western governments and powerful private institutions over the past three decades.
Videos of Klaus Schwab bragging that Young Leaders have been positioned across the governments of Canada, Argentina, Europe and beyond are now being posted across social media platforms on a daily basis, confirming the suspicions of many that the World Economic Forum is not a benign business networking operation, as it has tried to project for the credulous. Rather, it is something much darker and insidious.
Set up in 1993 as the Global Leaders of Tomorrow and renamed WEF Young Leaders Forum in 2004 (fueled with funds from such benevolent institutions as JP Morgan Chase and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), over 1400 young leaders (under the age of 38) from both public and private sectors have been processed through the program. For those tapped to become members of this elitist clique, they agree to attend six years of regular WEF conferences featuring seminars, focus groups and other special experiences both at Davos and at regional WEF events, at which point they graduate and become “alumni” who, in turn, become capable of nominating future young leaders.
During this time, Rhodes oversaw the vast theft of lands from native Africans while also guaranteeing that no blacks would be permitted to play any role in the political process by tripling the wealth requirement for voting.
Rhodes consolidated British imperial control over much of southern Africa by directing the invasion and takeover of the region north of Cape Town (today’s Zambia and Zimbabwe), which later became dubbed Rhodesia.
During the second Boer War against the Transvaal Republic (a coalition of Dutch settlers and Zulus), Rhodes’ network of sociopathic imperial managers, dubbed “Milner’s Kindergarten,” worked with Lord Kitchener to innovate new genocidal techniques for asymmetrical warfare. These techniques included poisoning water systems and establishing a new model of concentration camps, which killed over forty thousand innocent civilians via starvation and disease.
Commenting upon the rates of children dying in the concentration camps, Lord Milner, a close ally of Rhodes, stated the “fact that the death rate among young children in the camps was still not dropping. ‘The theory that, all the weakly children being dead, the rate would fall off is not so far borne out by the facts… The strong ones must be dying now and they will all be dead by the spring of 1903.'”
This concentration camp system proved incredibly effective at breaking the spirits of the Transvaal soldiers who soon succumbed to the empire’s stranglehold across South Africa. It was later adopted by the Nazis during WWII.
Rhodes’ early disciples included such luminaries as Lord Alfred Milner, Sir Halford Mackinder, George Parkin, W.T. Stead and the Canadian oligarch Vincent Massey (to name a few). His early backers included high level figures among the British intelligentsia including Prince Edward Albert and Lord Nathaniel Rothschild, who saw that a new strategy was needed to halt the spread of the American System and its policies around the world, particularly in the wake of Lincoln’s victory over the South during the Civil War.
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