The power behind the "personalities"
When I was a very young boy, my father used to call upon a very special accomplice to encourage me to eat up the unfavoured remains on my plate.
When I was a very young boy, my father used to call upon a very special accomplice to encourage me to eat up the unfavoured remains on my plate.
“Little Man”, as he was known, would appear out of nowhere, wander around the dinner table, engage me in friendly conversation and try to convince me of the desirability of the morsels I had spurned.
He did not really look much like a man – I am not even sure where his head was supposed to be and his “legs” and “body” were firmly attached to my father’s arm, as I can hardly have failed to have noticed.
But I was nevertheless happy to treat him as a “personality” in his own right and I assume from his regular appearances that I responded more positively to his dietary advice than to that offered by my parents.
I see the same phenomenon in action when people focus too much on “personalities” on the world stage, whether Trump, Putin or Zelensky.
It suits our rulers just fine when all eyes are fixed on the “Little Men” in their Spectacle and not on the manipulating hand behind the scenes.
They have been using this technique for a very long time indeed – off the top of my head I would mention Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin, but there have been many more than that.
This is not to say that we should pay no attention at all to the words and activities of figureheads, but we should understand what they are and always bear in mind the broader context in which they operate.
Take Bill Gates.
Take him anywhere you like – the other end of the galaxy, preferably.
A lot has been written and said about his personal history and family background – I would recommend James Corbett’s 2020 documentary video in this respect. [1]
The organisation to which he lends his name – formerly the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and now, in the absence of Melinda, plain old Gates Foundation – is obviously an important entity in the globalist system.
Its name crops up again and again in my research and to explore all its activities and connections would take more time than I am willing to spend online, as the sunny outdoors beckons.
So instead I thought I would take a shortcut in trying to understand what is behind Little Man Bill by zooming in on the person who is actually running the “philanthropic” body with which he is identified.
I think it is fair to say that Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman (pictured) is not a household name – at the time of writing, he does not even have a page on Wikipedia.
He does, however, boast a profile on the World Bank website, which already tells us something about what he represents. [2]
This informs us that he is from South Africa and, after graduating from Harvard University in the USA, gained a doctorate in international relations from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.
Harvard and Oxford are favoured institutions for the global Establishment, many of whose leading lights turn out to have been Rhodes Scholars.
Indeed, Wikispooks describes the academic scheme as “a deep state recruitment network”. [3]
It is, of course, named after Cecil Rhodes, the notorious British imperialist described by authors Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor as being “intrinsically linked to the powerful House of Rothschild”. [4]
After this initiation phase, Suzman landed a plum job as correspondent for the Financial Times, the in-house newspaper of the City of London, now coincidentally sponsored by the Gates Foundation.
There, we learn from the World Bank site, he reported from Johannesburg, London and Washington D.C. on “issues ranging from the White House and international trade policy to welfare reform”.
Next stop for Suzman, in 2000, was the United Nations, that all-important tool for the manufacture of anti-democratic global governance.
He worked particularly on the Millennium Development Goals, the predecessor to the UNSDGs in the criminocracy’s long-term plan for techno-totalitarian world domination.
In 2007 Suzman was transferred within the overall globalist entity – which we are absurdly told does not actually exist – to become director of global development policy at the Gates Foundation.
In this role, and as CEO, he continued the same insidious industrial-imperialist mission, as his 2023 annual letter revealed. [5]
Here, he tellingly insisted that although Bill and Melinda appeared, as billionaires, to be very powerful, they and their Foundation did not “set the world’s agenda”.
Suzman continued: “As a foundation, we respond to it. We are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals, a set of concrete, measurable commitments made by every country in the United Nations to their own citizens.
“That means we’ll be looking for even more effective ways to accelerate innovation and spur action toward the global goals”.
Although this does not seem to be something he wants to publicise, Suzman is included by Wikipedia in its list of notable members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). [6]
I wrote about this organisation in my 2022 essay ‘A crime against humanity: the Great Reset of 1914-1918’. [7]
It was set up as the American sister organisation to The Institute of International Affairs, also known as Chatham House, which was an instrument of the Rothschild-aligned Milner Group.
I confirmed the ongoing zio-imperialist allegiances of Chatham House in a 2024 article entitled ‘Power and corruption: the public-private imperial mafia’. [8]
The CFR was created with funding from J.P. Morgan, a key Rothschild front in the USA.
Historian Carroll Quigley comments that the Morgan bank has never made any real effort to conceal its position in regard to the CFR and the published lists of CFR officers and directors “have always been loaded with partners, associates, and employees of J.P. Morgan and Company”. [9]
After all this, it almost goes without saying that Suzman is involved with the World Economic Forum, whose strongly Zionist flavour I exposed earlier this year. [10][11]
There is a nice photo of him at Davos in 2023, wearing his “globalist arsehole” UNSDG badge. [12]
Suzman (centre) is standing next to Ndidi Nwuneli (in red), a trustee of the zio-imperialist Rockefeller Foundation and president/CEO of the Gates-funded ONE Campaign, which I have described as “a propaganda and lobbying device for the global mafia’s industrial-imperialist agenda”. [13]
I won’t repeat everything that I wrote about her in The Single Global Mafia, but, like Suzman, she is also connected to Rhodes-Rothschild colonialism in Africa.
That’s hardly surprising since both are quite clearly part of the management team of the zio-imperialist industrial mafia.
Forget the figureheads and their much-hyped antics!
What we all need to focus on is the unacceptable existence, activities and global domination of that thoroughly evil entity.
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