The Farmed-Fishing Disaster
In the 21st century, wild fish are are being replaced with farmed fish, as livestock, in the aquaculture industry.
In the 21st century, wild fish are are being replaced with farmed fish, as livestock, in the aquaculture industry.
However, the growth of aquaculture has come at the expense of the environment and the health of the fish. This results in the potential for major disease problems and food safety issues, according to a 2022 article in Frontiers Immunology.
As livestock, fish succumb to the same synthetic treatments as other commercial livestock. According to MDPI, a member of the United Nations Global Compact, in the name of Sustainability: vaccines have a significant role in managing live stocks.
Vaccines have been applied as “preventive measures” in fish to reduce the chance of diseases such as rabies, as well as parasitic and bacterial pathogens, which occur as part of the commercial farming process. Rabies in fish? [That is another fish story for another time]. Meanwhile…
Salmon farms, consequently, are ideal incubators for parasites and infectious diseases that are then spread to adjacent farms and to wild fish. These outbreaks are impossible to quarantine; mass escapes from salmon farms and the normal flow of tides and currents spread diseases and parasites to other fish over very wide areas.
Even though fish are not of the animal kingdom, fish vaccines are delivered in the same way as warm-blooded animals. If we investigate all modes and vectors of disease transmission then we can also say that disease-causing pathogens may also be introduced through live-attenuated vaccines.
A vaccine contains an agent resembling a disease-inducing microorganism– a bacterium, virus or toxin – that activates the body’s immune system. A vaccine is essentially a pathogen-imposter. —Carrington College,
A Fish Story
Fish story: noun, an extravagant or incredible story
The $20-billion-a-year farmed salmon industry is the world’s fastest growing food producer, and it has made farmed Atlantic salmon the most popular fish on dinner tables North America. But at what cost?
As early as 2004, scientists found levels of polychlorinated biphenyls, a probable carcinogen known as PCBs, seven times higher in farmed Atlantic salmon than in wild salmon. In addition:
Untreated waste from excess feed, decomposing fish, excrement, and chemical residue forms a toxic stew that kills or drives away marine life for hundreds of yards.
The management of farmed fish includes antibiotics, probiotics, injectable vaccines, breeding maintenance, nano-based drugs, and edible vaccines, all with monitoring requirements. Of course, disease resistant mutant strains result from antibiotic treatments. Hence, the vaccine program. When it comes to drug use in global aquatic products:
Long-term use of chemical inputs not only increases pathogenic bacteria resistance but also damages the fish and aquaculture environments, resulting in drug residues in aquatic products.
Disaster in the Making
In 2021, 81,000 fish escaped from an open-pen fish farm in Norway. In 2023, thousands of fish escaped an Icelandic farm. Escapees have been found in at least 32 rivers across north-west Iceland, many covered in deadly sea lice, lethal to wild fish. Escapees also breed with wild fish to cause wild fish declines.
A 2012-2022 study determined that 865 million farmed salmon have died in mass die-offs in the last decade due to aquaculture practices and technologies.
It’s the same old fish story, replayed over and over. When any life form is placed in crowded unsanitary conditions, and genetically modified, it becomes a pre-medicated disaster, for generations to come.
“In today’s fish-eat-fish world, you either take or you get taken.” Productivity runs economies! The result? Wild caught fish are harder and harder to find. Thus, commercially-farmed, diseased fish will be served up at restaurants, and at home until none are left.
You’d think cooking would destroy the parasites. But destroying the nematodes at 145 degrees is like cooking a burger well-done. – Harold McGee, Food and Cooking, 2016
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Everyone one looks, humans are defiling nature. There is barely anything left we can eat that is not adulterated. And if we keep on this trajectory there won't be. It must be clear that it is this money system that produces all these distortions and essentially vandalisms to what is common property - nature is everyone's, not some more than others. But again, our social structure puts the monied above all others. It is the stupidest system imaginable. It goes to show how easily adaptable humans are, but we'd better adapt to nature again or I dread to think what will happen to our species.
I stopped eating fish.