The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths The Disturbing Parallels between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
The Disturbing Parallels between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths
Story at a Glance:
•To maximize profits, the pharmaceutical industry will often identify vulnerable groups who lack the ability to advocate for themselves and refuse pharmaceutical products.
•When the DPT vaccine was first developed over a century ago, it was tested at Irish orphanages. Recently mass graves of those early test subjects were discovered.
•Since the DPT vaccine hit the market, physicians around the world have observed waves of infant deaths following its use, which were often sudden and inexplicable (along with many other severe side effects).
•Numerous data sources correlate increasing childhood vaccination rates with increasing infant deaths. Those deaths played a key role in creating the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. That forgotten data compromises the majority of this article.
•When the COVID lockdowns happened, vaccine safety activists predicted the lockdowns would lead to an unprecedented drop in infant deaths since children were skipping their vaccines. This ended up being exactly what happened, and it was reconfirmed by infant deaths dropping in Florida after the pandemic prompted many parents to begin not vaccinating their children.
Note: due to the significant interest in this topic, this article is a revised version of a previously published article about it.
The Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) that was seen worldwide after the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out was so unmistakable that it made the general public see how much their governments had lied to them. What is less known, however, is the link between vaccines and the sudden death of children (euphemistically called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS).
Like SADS, SIDS has a clear-cut relationship to vaccination, and in the case of SIDS, there is over a century of evidence to substantiate it. Like SADS, our healthcare authorities have worked tirelessly to conceal this link, even when faced with significant protests from the public who know what is happening. For the most part, these authorities have succeeded, and as a society, we have come to see SIDS as a normal event that does not require an investigation each time another child dies from vaccination.
I was compelled to write about this topic for a few key reasons:
•The children who died from SIDS and their parents deserve recognition and justice. Because of the attention highlighting SADS and vaccine dangers in general, I believe this may, at last, be possible.
•Infants cannot speak up for themselves (other than by crying, which is typically ignored). When you observe these vaccine injuries and the trauma they experience, it’s very apparent what happened, but in almost all cases, those around them can’t see it—so I feel I have a duty to speak out for those without a voice.
•Understanding how the government has handled SIDS provides essential context for understanding how it has dealt with SADS.
•New evidence supporting the link between SIDS and vaccination emerged during COVID-19.
In this article, I have done the best I could to provide all the evidence clearly demonstrating this link with a focus on that which can explain why vaccination causes SIDS. Additionally, I have also discussed much of this with a US government researcher who specializes in the vaccine most associated with SIDS and has requested their privacy be respected for understandable reasons.
The Forgotten Victims of Medicine
A key theme I have tried to illustrate is the need to stand up for the forgotten victims of medicine (over the years, I have formed a close connection with many of these victims). I believe we all must stand up for them because, in almost all cases, malicious agendas by those in power are first tested on vulnerable groups no one advocates for. Then, once the methods are sufficiently refined and implicitly condoned by the public, those same atrocities will always be committed on the general population.
For example, much of what has happened throughout COVID-19 parallels the early days of the AIDS epidemic. Fauci fought to keep a variety of effective treatments for AIDS off the market so that he could push through a deadly and ineffective (but highly lucrative) drug to treat HIV, AZT (which oddly enough has much in common with Fauci’s recent pet project Remdesvir and the other COVID-19 medications). Once AZT entered the market, rather than end the epidemic, it significantly worsened the trajectory of AIDS (this book and this book provide the untold history of what happened). That tragic history hence allowed me, in late 2019, to predict the identical course that COVID-19 followed):
Because the gay community was still heavily marginalized in the late 1980s, and despite being extraordinarily outspoken and often accusing Fauci of being a mass murderer, their plight was ignored. Fauci was never held accountable for his actions, and instead became the most powerful scientist in America. Since then, his influence has grown, and he has transformed the NIH (and related agencies) into pharmaceutical pipelines that prioritize profits over human lives.
Imagine how different our world would be now if we had taken the concerns of these protesters seriously. Unfortunately, the prevailing attitude within America is to never focus on issues that do not directly affect our lives (e.g., the human cost of our wars in the Middle East). Thus, there often ends up being no one left to speak out for everyday Americans when the same abuses they passively condone elsewhere finally arrive on their doorsteps (this is also the subject of a well-known poem about Nazi Germany).
Vulnerable Groups
Being successful in business is often a question of finding a way to break a rule that should not be broken, capitalize upon the economic benefit from doing so, and finally, leverage this newfound wealth to ensure that the rule can continue to be broken. For example, you are not supposed to bribe public officials. Still, if you find a way to (such as through "lobbying"), it creates a massive advantage over smaller competitors who still follow the rules, and as recent years have shown, the paid-off officials will eventually legalize each novel form of bribery.
Historically, the best example of this predatory capitalism is told within The Robber Barons. It tells the story of a group of conniving scoundrels, such as John D. Rockefeller, who broke every rule imaginable post-Civil War era and monopolized America's fledging industrial system to become some of the wealthiest individuals in history. This story is still relevant today because those economic predators defined our national character and, in the centuries since their rise to power, have applied similar tactics to dominate almost every facet of American life (my focus relates to how they transformed medicine).
Contemporarily, one of the best examples of this principle lies within the COVID-19 response, where pandemic profiteers flagrantly violated countless critical rules that had been well established before the pandemic. Deadly hospital protocols with no evidence supporting them were mandated throughout America, untested experimental vaccines with highly concerning safety data were rushed to the market, the manufacturers of these deadly products obtained complete immunity from any harm they caused, and the general populace lost their fundamental human rights through forced lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations. Much of this was illegal, but because an "emergency" situation was created, the wiggle room existed to bypass every legal protection afforded to the public. Pfizer bent every rule it could and gained significant power in the process all while making vast sums of money.
In the pharmaceutical industry, two recurring issues always emerge:
•How to regularly test countless experimental drugs with high potential toxicities to identify the one that could become a commercial success.
•How to create guaranteed markets for unsafe pharmaceuticals with questionable benefits.
In most cases, bribery plays a crucial role in addressing these challenges. For example, I documented the Bush family's involvement in forcing SSRI antidepressants onto the market and the FDA's subsequent decades of complicity in this disaster by suppressing all evidence of the extreme harm from these drugs—the FDA ignored a tsunami of credible adverse reports, put gag orders on employees who tried to report them, authored fake studies defending SSRIs and even fought against congressional investigations. The SSRI saga, I would argue, provides an excellent case study for understanding many aspects of the FDA's egregious conduct throughout COVID-19.
Then, once the regulatory hurdles have been cleared, these commercial needs are often fulfilled by exploiting vulnerable groups who are either experimented upon or forced to become a captive market for various lucrative pharmaceuticals.
Unethical Human Experimentation
In the earlier days of American medicine, dangerous medical treatments were often forcibly tested on prisoners, colonized indigenous populations, the mentally disabled, and orphans (some of the more well-known examples are summarized in this Wikipedia article). Following the Nuremberg trials (where many Nazi doctors argued they should not be convicted as their ethical principles in human experimentation matched that conducted throughout the United States) and the Anti-Vivisection movement campaigning against unethical human experimentation, a changing political climate made it far more difficult to continue those experiments. The business-focused members of the medical field thus (reluctantly) switched to conducting future grotesque experiments less visibly.
This new approach included experiments on children in foster care that were no longer published in medical journals, outsourcing this research to the third world (where no one would raise questions), and regularly making use of the military’s command structure to force lower-ranking servicemen to participate in highly controversial “research” studies.
Captive Markets
Almost every successful business is built upon creating a source of recurring revenue, and the entire pharmaceutical industry is structured to do this in as many ways as possible. For example, the industry continually funds corrupt guidelines that advocate for large segments of the population to consume countless non-beneficial and often harmful pharmaceuticals, then sells more drugs to treat the side effects of the original pharmaceutical they spread to every corner of America.
This process can best be observed in the elderly, upon whom countless drugs are prescribed until, eventually, the combined toxicity of these medications causes enough degeneration to land the patient in an isolated nursing home or hospital. After this, even more (sometimes necessary) medical therapies are provided until a critical point is inevitably reached and the elder dies (e.g., care in the final year of life accounts for approximately 25% of all spending by Medicare). In contrast, societies worldwide have more traditional forms of medicine that do not prioritize profit and emphasize cultivating vitality. Within them, you will often observe elders who maintain their health and functionality until the very end of their lives.
Note: one study found taking away a few non-necessary drugs from elderly patients reduced their overall risk of death by 56%.
I feel our approach to “managing” aging is particularly tragic because, in the quest to extract as many billable medical services as possible from the elderly (who often cannot refuse receiving said services), they are subjected to a variety of torturous medical interventions that directly disrupt the dying process (in contrast, doctors typically will refuse these interventions). One of my foundational beliefs (which is shared by many religious faiths) is that the death process represents one of, if not the most important, moments in our life, and medicine’s interference with it has profound consequences for the human soul.
Amongst the most common recurring pharmaceutical products are the endless annual vaccinations, and those with knowledge of this business model suspected that once the COVID vaccines were shown to be highly ineffective, health officials would pivot to adopting an annual COVID immunization program instead of being discarded (which they tried to do but due to public resistance against the vaccines were unable to enshrine it upon the populace). Furthermore, a key driver behind the mRNA vaccine technology was its rapid production cycle, which enabled it to be deployed on short notice. In contrast, existing vaccines (e.g., influenza) must be manufactured far in advance, which explains why the annual flu shot almost always ends up not matching the circulating strain.
Something that is less appreciated about each of these universal vaccine programs is that when individuals are given a choice not to receive a vaccine, many will opt out. For example, between 80-90% of children are vaccinated (this figure includes influenza vaccinations). In contrast, last year, only 50.2% of the adult population received a flu shot, and in many cases, the adults who vaccinate only do so because of work requirements.
Note: the CDC recently admitted the COVID-19 mandates have significantly reduced the number of adults willing to get the other annual vaccinations.#
The key demographics I know of who are forced to receive vaccinations in the United States are pets, children, those in foster care, the elderly, prisoners, service members, students, and healthcare workers. In most cases, the business model around vaccines places intense pressures on the vaccinators to vaccinate:
Veterinarians and pediatricians can only financially support their practices if they regularly vaccinate their patients.
Corruption is rife throughout the military’s experimental vaccine programs.
Medicare, through “quality” measures (a component of Obamacare), such as this one, financially penalizes doctors who fail to vaccinate most of their elderly patients.
There are many sad stories of the forced medication of these groups (e.g., I have many astounding stories from friends who were subject to it). For the elderly, over the years, I have heard many stories of nursing homes where numerous residents suffered significant illnesses immediately following the annual vaccination of their facility, and I have admitted a few patients to the hospital for a severe injury that onset immediately following influenza or pneumococcal vaccination. During the recent vaccine push, I had numerous friends whose parents suffered a rapid and subsequently fatal cognitive decline immediately following COVID-19 vaccination, and I know someone who worked at a nursing home which experienced multiple deaths immediately after the vaccine was administered (similar stories have also been reported elsewhere).
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