Self-Mastery & Internal Control = Liberty & Freedom
In a recent article by Dan Sanchez titled Self-Improvement Is Inherently Pro-Liberty. He references a book on habits. The one he talks about impacting him is called The Atomic Habits.
by Liberty Advocate
In a recent article by Dan Sanchez titled Self-Improvement Is Inherently Pro-Liberty. He references a book on habits. The one he talks about impacting him is called The Atomic Habits.
It sounds like his experience is similar to many of ours, who are on a path of self-mastery through self-development. Stephen Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People caught my attention and had an impact comparable to Mr. Sanchez’s.
“The Atomic Habits phenomenon is an encouraging one. In recent years, we have seen many troubling signs of cultural decay.” (1)
I was curious about why, how, and what the future looked like as society was on a suicide course.
While a police officer, I turned to a lifelong study of human behavior and how it ties into life in many ways. At this point in my life, I became interested in the end times, educational, political, religious, spiritual, historical, economic, philosophical, moral, and psychological issues, realizing how these subjects and concepts are interconnected and affect my life, my family, and the community I was serving and the nation at large.
The decay is complex, but it is simple as well. We started to stray from God; we weren’t about character, and our responsibility to maintain our freedoms by maintaining a high morality was being dropped from each generation as our eyes were set on the ease of life and the world’s trinkets and became a religious society in consumption.
While reading books similar to Atomic Habits, I realized the importance of self-mastery through self-development in building a better version of myself to show up for my family and community as a moral and mature person every day as I grew mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The key was reading good books and starting down the road as a Classical Education pupil.
“Yet, at the same time, we are also seeing a counter-trend of millions seeking to build better versions of themselves and finding an effective guidebook for doing so.” (1)
As someone who studies history, I could feel, read, and sense how stressful and demanding it was for our Founding Fathers to achieve freedom and liberty for our country. At first glance, I felt it was all about getting people in the correct positions as the country was decaying.
“Both the conservative and the libertarian might agree that only a strategic focus on political change—getting the right people in office and the right laws in the books—will save us.” (1)
I soon realized this was not enough. I started to see that it was a combination of threads intersecting at one time, in one place, and under one geographical area whose people were following Tytler’s Cycle. Tytler and other sources have left us markers similar to mile markers on where we are on the path and direction of faith and liberty or bondage and tyranny as our periods somewhat parallel with one another.
The colonies were physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually bound to the Crown of England. In essence, the “Divine King” enslaved them. The Founding Generation and the moral leaders, the radicals of their day, were at the spear’s tip and entering the cycle’s Faith and Courage stages, as most colonists were lagging behind, dependent, and in bondage to the Crown.
They were entering the faith stage in all aspects of their lives, searching for unity, deep moral traits, self-development qualities, and self-mastery. A small portion of people were ahead of their time, as most of the people had not rotated to the faith part of the cycle. As they concentrated on self-mastery and challenged the status quo, they entered the courage stage, giving bravery and boldness to other colonials to enter the faith phase.
The bottom line is the importance of self-improvement, discipline, and introspection as individuals and as a collective. When people start improving themselves, they raised the bar for others to follow. They fit into the radical category, as Mark Twain described them.
“The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out, the conservative adopt.” ― Mark Twain
I realized the importance of improving myself if I had any chance to help stop the decay, and I hoped to help the next generation return momentum to liberty and freedom once more.
The importance of changing and improving one’s internal self correlates to maintaining and growing our freedoms and liberties of the individual and the nation.
“All individuals are faced with the problem of whom to improve, themselves or others. Their aim, it seems to me, should be to affect their own unfolding, the upgrading of their own consciousness, in short, self-perfection.” (1)
We must turn inward by becoming more aware and conscious of our own cognitive dissonance, ignorance, and traditions along with our own insecurities, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and behavior regarding daily choices of acting with logic, rationale, discipline, and forethought or attitude and conduct with emotions, impulses, and irrationality leading to regret.
From my own experience as a police officer for over 20 years and now working in the therapeutic and mental health industry, I would say that, as a whole, our society is not working on its inner self and is expanding its energies on controlling others and consuming hedonistic pleasures. They are either afraid, ignorant, or chose not to be introspective, aware, or reflective; it is difficult to dig deep, to challenge one’s own being as a whole. It is a painful, but yet a rewarding experience, as it is a gradual process to self-mastery.
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